Tell me, what do you like about me?

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You looked at your reflection with disdain. Your clothes didn't feel right on your body, your hair never cooperated and your body made feel less than pleasant. You didn't have the strength that Thrud had and you definitely didn't have Sif's curves. You were...just you and you hated it. You sighed and changed your outfit for the 8th time and decided that nothing you wore would make this better. You settled for a cream tunic, gold belt, and tan bracers. You thought you looked kind of like Heimdall and it made you smile just a bit before your frown returned. How could you resemble him? How could you even think you'd come close to his beauty?

You sighed and shuffled out of your room and away from your mirror. You knew wallowing I'm self-pity wasn't going to do you any good. You had some free time today so you decided you would go drink away your sorrows even though you knew mead was the last thing to help your body dysmorphia. You walked quickly and with purpose. You got to the food hall and ordered your drink and sat down with Thor. He shouldn't be there but he was and lucky for you he just started drinking. "My small friend," he grumbled. You rolled your eyes. "I told you not to call me that, it makes me uncomfortable, and every one no matter their size is small compared to you," you sighed. You drank your mead in 3 big gulps and slammed your standard down hard. "Another!" you yelled.

Before you knew it, you and Thor were having a drink off and you were winning. Your drinking tolerance was out of this realm, but Thor, if he wasn't the God of thunder would have been the God of parties. That man could drink and he easily could out-drink you. "Y/N, what are you doing?" a voice cut through the cheering. Your drunken gaze landed on Heimdall's disappointed form. You put your drink down and gave him a small smile. "Hi, Heimdall," you slurred. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand pulling you from your seat across from Thor. "We've talked about this, Y/N," he sighed as he pulled you away from the noise and towards his room. "I won't bother asking you why, since it's be a waste of both of our time, but I will say this, if you know it's not going to make you feel better why bother doing it? Do you like making yourself feel like a failure?" He drawled on. You didn't respond and he sucked his teeth irritatedly as he pushed you into his room and shut the door.

He dragged you to the bed where he stripped you down and then redressed you in a bed shirt. He made you lay down and looked down at you with a disappointed scowl. "I can't even tell what you want to say, your thoughts are all jumbled with drunken self-loathing. I will not tell you again that there is nothing wrong with you. If there were that would make me wrong and I am never wrong. Now sleep, we have much to discuss afterward. I have a few things I need to attend to, I will be back in a few hours," he said before leaving.

You curled into a ball and quietly sobbed. You couldn't even bring yourself to speak to him you felt so disgusted by your behavior, your body, and just your whole way of thinking. "How could he love me when I'm like this?" You slurred. You couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by your own thoughts and being drunk didn't help at all. You lay on your side and closed your eyes as you waited for sleep to come. You felt the world spinning as you felt sleep wash over you like a heavy slow moving wave. As it crashed down around you, you dreamt of being your ideal self. You were the perfect weight that you wanted and your complexion was clear and your skin soft. You were finally happy with who you were in the mirror. Except when you looked in the mirror it wasn't you. It was a stranger's body and face.

You awoke from the dream abruptly to the sound of the door closing. You sat up to be met with Heimdall disrobing. He turned to you and offered a cocky smirk. "Well, hello there, I see your thoughts are clear. Glad to know you enjoy watching me get naked. However, the fact that you don't seem to know I enjoy the same for you does drive me a bit mad," he said in a scolding tone. Your face grew hot with shame and he scoffed as he approached you. "Y/N, my dear, what is with all those negative thoughts in that pretty little head of yours?" he sounded disgusted but in reality, he was concerned he just didn't know how to show it. "I- Hiemi, what do you think of me? Do you like how I look? How I am? What do you like about me?" you asked quietly.

He sighed and pulled you from the bed to stand in front of the mirror. "Do you see this woman? Do you think that I, the Hiemdall, would choose a woman who was not worthy? If you were not the most beautiful creature to roam any realm, do you think I would lower myself to court anything less?" he asked you as his hands roamed your body. "This body is the body of the woman that is mine. You are mine, Y/N," he growled before biting down on your ear. You stifled a moan as he began kissing up and down your neck leaving a trail of hot, angry marks. "Heimi, I don't understand. There are so many beautiful women, I-" he cut you off by turning you around and kissing you deeply. "To insult yourself is to insult me, my loyalty, and my adoration," he said after he broke away from the kiss. You nodded before he kissed you again.

His hands reached your thighs and he squeezed them. "I love these fucking thighs, I love how they feel wrapped around my head, they're perfect just like you," he growled. You felt your breath hitch as he continued to worship your body. Telling you what he likes and loves about your shape. How your form was a gift from creation and that he held you in the highest respects all while still maintaining his know it all attitude. "I'm always right, so how could I be wrong about you? How perfect you are? I can see how others look at you with envy, lust, and adoration. They all want you or want to be you. Or me since I'm the one that gets a taste of you. Every. Night," he groaned in your ear as he read your intentions. "Heimdall, I want you," you whispered. "Then have me you shall," he leaned in to kiss you again and he spent the rest of the night showing you just how much he loved you and how beautiful you really were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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