f i v e

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it was getting much darker outside, and stars had started to become visible. i had to turn on my light to keep myself awake. i didn't want to fall asleep until henry cooled down about the situation, just in case he wanted to come by and worsen my condition. i checked the time on my alarm clock. it was almost midnight. 

apparently, someone who loved visiting me at my window had noticed my light come on, because i heard the familiar tapping of denbrough requesting my attention after just a few minutes of me finally getting some relaxation.

"dear god..." i mumbled to myself, getting up to tell him to go away.

i opened my window and stuck my head out. "leave me alone, denbrough."

"holy sh-shit what h-happened to you?"

"go away. it's not like you'll fucking care anyway."

"d-d-did bowers do that to y-you?"

"no. stop asking questions denbrough."

"e-eds c-can help f-f-fix those up-"

"i don't want your guys' help. leave me the hell alone," i said, starting to push my window closed. before i was able to fully close it, he grabbed the window and pushed against me, keeping it open. "surprisingly strong there, denbrough."

he smiled and i gave up. he pushed the window and climbed into my room. i raised my eyebrow at him.

"did i tell you you could come in?" i asked, sitting on my bed

"no b-but i want to t-t-talk to you," he said, sitting on the other end of my bed.

"is that why you've come over again?"


"well then spit it out."

"i j-just wanted to r-r-remind y-you that you can be f-friends with us. we would n-n-never hurt y-you like b-bowers did-"

"hey. i already told you. henry didn't do this."

"you s-said but that's a l-l-lie."

"i seem to be lying a lot lately..."

"s-so bowers d-d-did do that t-to you?"

i pondered about what i could respond to such a pressuring question. "yeah obviously. but you can't say anything," i told him.

"your s-s-s-secret's safe with m-me."

"okay whatever. if all you wanted was to invite me to join your little loser society, then you can go. 'cause i'm not interested. if henry saw me even talking to you guys, he would lose his shit."

"y-you were t-t-talking to us on th-the last day."

"you guys harassed me for trying to sit with you when there was nowhere else." i rolled my eyes.

"i d-didn't-"

"look, it doesn't matter. so just like... let it go. i don't want to be your friend. and you tapping at my window in the middle of the night is becoming incredibly annoying."

"fine w-w-whatever. i-i'll just- i'll just go." he gets up and walks back to my window.

i begin thinking about everything as he jumps down the barely three foot drop, landing safely on the ground. if what he says is true, and the losers would be willing to be my friends, my life could get a little better. maybe they could be my escape from henry, but then i would be a target too. but if i had more friends, they could protect me. we could all fight against him together and i wouldn't have to deal with him putting me in my place anymore. i sighed deeply, and walked to my window again.

easy to hate u, better to love u 》 bill denbroughWhere stories live. Discover now