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i woke up the next morning in a good mood, which almost never happens. i was still sitting on my bed, propped up on my wall. i looked down to see bill there, sleeping on me with his arms still around my waist, my arms around his shoulders. he was sleeping still, and he looked quite peaceful. i smiled before realizing that if my mom or dad walked in they would be mad at me sneaking a boy in. i shook him awake gently.

"bill," i whispered."time to get up."

he groaned but didn’t move. “five more minutes…”

“seriously bill. you have to get out of my house or else my parents are gonna flip.”

“what?” he sat up. “we f-f-fell asleep?”

“what an astute observation you’ve made there, captain obvious.”

“[y/n]?” my mother called. i heard her footsteps coming in my direction.

“you know the drill.” bill ran into my closet to hide before my mom could open the door.

“[y/n], you’re going to sleep your whole summer away,” she told me disappointedly when she opened the door. “don’t you wanna have fun?”

“of course. sleeping is fun.”

“get out of bed [n/n].”

“okay mom. i’ll be up in a bit.”

“don’t take too long. i made breakfast over an hour ago so you’ll have to reheat it.”

“okay, bye now.”

she rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her as she left.

“you can come out now, bill,” i said after a moment.

he stepped out of the closet and sat down on the bed again. “if you’re l-l-looking for something t-to d-do, the l-l-losers club is g-g-going to b-be hanging ou-out today. you’re w-w-welcome to j-join us.”

“oooh,” i say, making my voice sound excited and flattered. “does this mean i’ve been officially invited to join the losers club? really tempting.”

“s-sh-shut up.” he laughed.

“of course i’ll hang with you guys. come get me whenever.”



breakfast was decent, having to reheat it brought the texture down. after eating i didn’t really have anything to do. usually i would be getting randomly picked up by henry, or on the phone with him while he explains why he’s angry with me. but he hasn’t even tried to contact me yet, and i hope he never does again. but in the spare time i had, i just waited in my room for bill to come knocking on my window and telling me the rest of the losers gave him the okay to let me join them.

i had to come up with something to do in my free time, so i asked dad if i could use the stereo to listen to music after staring at my wall for a while. he let me, so i put on some madonna and started singing my heart out along with her. although i probably didn’t sound too good. my singing was loud, and kind of sounded like i was just shouting the lyrics, but as long as i’m having fun, i don’t care.

*some boys kiss me. some boys hug me. i think they're ok.

if they don't give me proper credit, i just walk away.

they can beg and they can plead, but they can't see the light.

'cause the boy with the cold hard cash is always mister right.

'cause we are living in a material world and i am a material girl.

you know that we are living in a material world and i am a material girl!

easy to hate u, better to love u 》 bill denbroughWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu