Who's Got My Hairy Toe?

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Hurricane force winds were howling around the streets of New York and battering against the sides of the hotel as Louis' eyes slowly scanned the room. The slightly menacing look on his face was kinda freaking me out already. Once we were all silent, he took a deep breath in and began.

"There was an old woman who went out in the woods to dig up some roots to cook for dinner. She spotted something sticking out of the leaves and dug around until she uncovered a great big hairy toe. There was some good meat on that toe which would make a tasty dinner, so the old woman put it in her basket and took it home..."

"Euugh! That's gross!" I said pulling a face.

Beth put her hand over her mouth, suppressing a laugh and turned to Louis. "Is that your spooky voice?"


She started to giggle "It's funny!"


We were all cocooned and snug in Harry's room, eight scared little faces poking out from under our duvets. The only light was coming from the glow of Louis torch. I was sitting in between Nialler's legs and we had a big double duvet over the top of us. Anna was nestled in between Liam and Zayn, the three of them propped up against the wall on big cushions. Beth and Louis were next to each other, sharing a king sized duvet and Harry and Kenzie were leant up against pillows in Harry's bed.

Louis lowered his voice and continued. "When she got back to her cottage, the old woman boiled up a pot-full of hairy toe soup, which she ate for dinner that night..."

"Why didn't she just have tomato soup?" Liam asked. "It would have been nicer."

"Sshhhusshhh..," Louis hushed in a mysterious tone. "At midnight, a cold wind started blowing in the tops of the trees around the old woman's house..."

Suddenly the wind whipped up outside and the door of Harry's room rattled loudly. Everyone jumped and I squealed. "Fudgin' hell! My heart can't take this. Ghost stories really freak me out guys, I have an overactive imagination." Nialler wrapped his arms tightly around me and pulled me in close to him, resting his chin on my head. "Ok, well maybe it's not so bad." I grinned.

Louis put the torch up underneath his chin making everyone jump. Zayn yanked the duvet up over his chin "Ok, that's freaking me out bro. You look like a frickin' scary demon."

Louis put his hands on his hips, looking slightly irritated at the interruptions. "Well yes, that's kind of the point," He placed the torch back under his chin and looked menacingly around the room before continuing. "A large black cloud crept over the moon and from the woods a hollow voice rumbled..."Hairy toe.. Hairy toe... Who's got my hairy toe...?"

A little voice piped up from under Beth's duvet. "That voice is scaring me." Louis shuffled in closer and put an arm around her.

"From the woods there came a stomp-stomp-stomping noise as the wind whistled and jerked at the treetops and the hollow voice howled again. "Hairy toe...Who's got my hairy toe....?"

Anna let out a high pitched yelp suddenly and lifted her knees up to her chest, her breath shallow. "Oh my God! I felt something on my leg!"

"It was my foot, it's ok," Liam chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on her knee. Zayn leant in and whispered in her ear. "It was his haaairy toooe..."

"Oh my God! I can't handle this!" she squealed, pulling her knees up even further.

Suddenly something big smacked against the outside hotel wall, making the whole building shake. We all screamed out and I shut my eyes tight. When I eventually opened them and looked around the room, everyone was clutching the person next to them and we all cracked up laughing at the petrified look on our faces.

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