out in the breeze

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After breakfast, I cleared the table and did the dishes. Sometimes I felt like I was the only one doing all the chores. I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel and went into the living room to ask my mum for the list of the things she asked me to buy from the supermarket as I anticipated.
"Hey momma, I'm done, can I get the list now?". She looked up from her phone and set it aside, "yes", she pulled out a list of household items and handed it to me. I went looked through the list, eggs, milk, pasta, frozen beef, chicken, bread , the list went on.
"Will that be all" I asked,  "yes sweetheart, thank you, I know it seems like you do everything in the house and it can get really tiring and with your college admission still undecided, it must be really difficult to see the rest of your friends resuming but I want you to know I appreciate you and your efforts and just because you didn't get to go to college last year doesn't mean you won't this year". She squeezed my hands in a comforting manner.
By the time she finished, I had tears in my eyes. I hugged her and said thank you. She handed me cash to pay for the items on the list and her credit card.
" your credit card too?"
"A new boutique just opened around the corner, thought you might want to check it out and buy some few dresses".  I hugged her again and whispered I love you.
I headed to the door and as soon as I  opened it, a cool breeze washed over me, I breathed in the cool air. "Don't stay out too long and be careful and stay safe".
I enjoy morning walks in the estate, it was one of the few times I got to socialize with people, growing up, I didn't have friends cause my sisters and I were homeschooled, it was expensive but my parents preferred it over regular school, and now at 19 I still didn't have friends, the only friend I had, has changed ever since she went to college, she stopped calling and replying my messages, I thought she was going through some kind of personal issues, I just couldn't wrap my head around what I did that could make her stop talking to and ignoring me.
Then I got to know from her status updates that she made new friends, who were cool and had cool clothes and gadgets and I couldn't match up to them.
It broke my heart and I let her be. I wondered if I'd change too when I got admitted into college.
I met Anna during our qualifying exams for college last year, and we both did really well but Anna's parents couldn't afford the tuition fees and my mum fell really ill and with my sisters being away, I had to forfeit college and stay home with her, I didn't mind, I was just glad she survived it.
And now this year we sat for the exams again and I scored excellently, Anna didn't do so well and she was devastated but together, she made it through, I encouraged her to apply for universities with lower cut off marks.
I applied to a state university and I still haven't heard from them.
I pulled myself out of my thoughts and went back to admiring the houses, they were mostly old houses that have been remodeled, our house was one for the few houses in the estate that haven't been remodeled, it was old and and didn't look as nice or flashy, but the rent was cheaper so we took it.
I stopped to pet a neighbour's dog as I said good morning. The golden retriever wagged it tail in approval as I gave it belly rubs. I got to the estate gate and said hello to the estate security, "hello miss Jummah, going out?" , "yeah,  I'm picking up groceries"
I walked out of the gate and two buildings later, I was in the supermarket.
I went through isles and got everything on the list, and some Cadbury chocolates for Jasmine and yasmine.
I waited in line to check out and  met another neighbour, I  hadn't noticed she was there until she tapped me on the shoulder, " oh, hello Mrs. Jones, it's nice to see you here" I smiled to her warmly, she was a nice old lady.
" how are your mum and sisters? , my regards to them" .
It was my turn to check out and I put all the items on the counter, payed with cash and gave a tip.
I walked back to the estate and made my way towards the boutique to check out the dresses.
Inside the boutique, I dropped my grocery bags with the receptionist, I knew her, she also lived close by. The boutique was a cozy one, they didn't sell designers or anything too expensive. I went through the rows of clothes and picked out three dresses, a floral one , a  cream Caribbean gown and one with a waistband and cat sleeves, they were ankle length, I loved wearing dresses and skirts, I've always been very feminine. Dressing anything less feminine didn't look good on me, I had very feminine features and a taste for class and elegance. I wore pants but never jeans. Next I picked two wedges and a sandal, I could wear heels anywhere and I knew how to balance myself perfectly on them.
I wanted to buy more stuff but I didn't want to overspend, I knew my mum was just trying to cheer me up, not because she had too much to spare, on my way to check out, something caught my eye, it was a pretty elegant bracelet with a matching necklace, I couldn't resist it, I didn't want to spend more of my mom's money but I wanted them so I picked them and thought I'd buy it from my savings. I paid with my mum's credit card with the thought that I'd repay her when I got home.
I checked out and returned home.

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