Chapter seven

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Prince Farhad strolled out of his 1982 Porsche 956, he loved the car to death.
And to think he bought it on a whim at an auction in Millan.

He threw his car keys to the valet who caught it swiftly as he walked into the L'étoile du matin.

I had spent exactly a week at the university and I was getting a hang on things.
I didn't get lost as much as I did the days before.
I knew where the dean's office was, the cafeteria, coffee shops, restaurants, dorms and classes were, and I was getting familiar with some faces, the students were still cold to me it bothered me but I tried not to let them get to me.

The guy who grabbed my arm still made me uncomfortable with his slight bullying. I dreaded and avoided running into him.

The smell of freshly cut grass filled my nostrils as I passed by a tennis court, there were a couple of students on the court playing tennis while three girls dressed in black pants, white shirt and a bowtie stood with towels on their arms.
I ignored them as I continued to explore.
I was considering telling my parents about moving to school.
It was such a beautiful place.

I wanted to wander further when I saw a sign that said *private area*
I didn't have class until 3pm so I had almost two hours to myself.
I started to walk back to towards the main campus suddenly realizing how long the distance was and how far I walked to get here.

"Meow, meow"

"Is that a cat?"

"Oh my gosh, where are you little baby?"

"Meow meow"

The flower beds rattled and an chunky ginger cat bursted out with with an unbelievable amount of energy.

"Hey you, you're so adorable,"

I crouched down to rub his belly, he let me as he leaned towards me and rested his head against me.

"You are such a chunky baby, how did you get here?"

"Hmm, no collar?, are you a stray ?
"Would you like to adopt a human?, do you want a momma?"

I picked him up and hugged him real tight, he smelt clean.
I was so distracted with the cat that I didn't know when a red McLaren parked across or see the guy that got out of it and was walking towards me.

I was still squeezing my new friend in a very tight hug as he let out satisfied purrs when I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around my waist and the familiar voice that said "little lamb" as his hot breath tingled my ear.
I tried to break free and turn around to face him but his grip was too strong.
"Shhh, don't spoil the moment."
"I see you like cats, this school is infested with them, you can have as many as you want."
"Or would you prefer I get you one personally?
"I'm more of a dog person but for you I'd get a cat.

"Let go of me!, weren't you taught that you don't touch people without their consent?."

"And you make it sound like the cats are parasites."

"I'd rather have the school infested with them than people like you."

"Ouch, that hurts."

I broke free  from his grip and pushed him off so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

I was so satisfied I had a triumphant smile on my face.
The students on the tennis court were all looking at me now and my confidence was fading quickly.

They had horrified looks on their faces, as they abandoned their game and ran towards our direction.

Was I in some kind of  trouble?
I swallowed hard and tried to apologise to him but they came and surrounded him, saying sorry and asking him if he needed anything.
A guy came, stood in front of me and shouted at me asking me if I was crazy.
I just stood there and couldn't say anything as they led him back to his car.

The rest of they day didn't go well for me.
I got stares and heard whispers from students discussing what I did throughout and everyone seemed colder to me than they normally were.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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