Just as I expected

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I was exhausted from all the walking around. I had no idea where the faculty of Arts was.
I looked around, hoping to see a professor, clark, cleaner, anyone that wasn't a student.
I lacked social skills and knowing how the students at the university were said to be , I kept to myself .

I've been getting weird looks and glances from the students, most of the girls gave nasty looks, like I was dirt on a carpet, others stared at me from head to toe, accessing my dressing and dismissing my presence. Sure, my clothes weren't designers but I certainly didn't look like trash.

The guys gave me sly smiles and wolfish stares, it unnerved me and they only seemed to enjoy it more.

All this strengthened my resolve not ask the students for directions, but I knew sooner than later, I would have to ask one of them as there was no one who looked like a lecturer or staff in sight.

I wanted to sit down and rest a bit but there was no where, to so I continued to walk on.

A very arrogant looking guy suddenly grabbed me by the wrist, "are you lost little lamb?" I was confused, my heart beat quickened,
"leave me alone please." I said in a quiet voice, I wasn't this timid and I stand up for myself when I need to, but I didn't want to make trouble on my first day and I definitely didn't want to get the wrong attention.

"Or what?, you new here?, I sure wouldn't forget a face like yours." He brushed he's fingers against my cheek, his fingers were surprisingly soft but it didn't stop me from  getting annoyed. I broke free from his grip and walked away from him,
I was scared he'd follow me but when I looked back, I saw that he didn't, I felt relieved and pulled out my phone to search where the faculty of Arts, a bit annoyed with myself that I hadn't thought of it sooner.

Prince Farhad sat in his grand jet. It was exquisitely decorated to his taste, the seats  were made from the highest quality Italian leather, the floor was carpeted with antique Persian rugs.
With grand chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, two bedrooms and a fully equipped kitchen and dining space to mention a few of the luxuries it had to offer.

It was a 23rd birthday gift from his father and he valued it dearly, not because it cost over 106 million dollars but for the fact that it was exclusively made for him.

He had to travel to Plãss a week earlier than he expected.
He laid back on the comfy seat, hopefully he'd find something worthwhile in Plãss apart from the oil deal.

I eventually found the faculty of Arts and in for my first lecture, even though a lot of the students look bored, I found the class interesting, the lecturer had a way of explaining that even the dullest of minds would understand.

I almost tripped on a cleaner's mop in the hallway, I apologised to him and he looked shocked and asked if I was talking to him and I replied yes, wondering if he saw anyone else with me.

"You new here?"
"Yes, today's my first day here."

"You seem like a nice girl but I wouldn't want you to be seen talking to me,
this school is ruled by spoilt rich kids who believe they own the world, I wouldn't want you to be bullied."
He was about to walk away when I asked him why he simply wouldn't report to the school board or anyone in charge.

"Cause they have wealthy parents who donate millions of dollars to the school each year, I could lose my job if I did."
With that, he turned and left, I swallowed and my mind went to the guy who grabbed my wrist earlier. " I would try as much as I can to avoid him and do my best to go unnoticed."
I left as soon as I was done for the day.

I didn't want my dad picking me up so I ordered a ride and went home.

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