part 9

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Tom woke up and started playing with your hair.You then woke up.(You are both still naked but tom is under the duvey and you are half.)Then paddy opens the door he then saw your ass.Tom then quickly covered you up.PADDY GET OUT!Oh ok sorry.Tom did you really need to shout that loud.No it's just that he saw your ass and I didn't want him seeing any more.Ok well let's go downstairs.You but on toms hoodie and joggers.

You went downstairs and saw paddy sitting on the sofa he looked a bit upset.(Tom had gone to the toilet.)You alright pads?Oh uh yeah.You sure.Yeah.Ok do you want anything for breakfast?Umm yes please can I have pancakes.Yeah of course.You started cooking when you felt two strong arms around your waist.Tom started to kiss your neck.Then turned you around and kissed you.Uh Tom I think you should go say sorry to paddy for shouting cause he looked quite upset.Ok ill go do it now.

Tom went into the living room and sat next to paddy.Sorry mate I didn't mean to shout I just shouted in the moment.Oh yeah that fine.Ok.Ive got a question tom.Yeah what is it?Are you and y/n like boyfriend and girlfriend?Uh I havent asked her yet I will tho.Ok you would be cute together.The boys then heard you call saying breakfast is ready.

The boys came running in.You two must be hungry.They both said yes.You started eating and talking.Then tom said y/n I have a question to ask you.Ok tom carry on.Will you like to be my girlfriend?Yes tom I would love to.Paddy started cheering for you both.Yiu carried on talking.Paddy what were you going to tell us earlier.Oh yeah what I was going to tell you before tom shouted at me.Hey I said sorry.Yeah I'm messing with you.Tom hit him playfully.Yeah so mum messaged do you want come round for a barbecue.Yeah that's sounds fun.Well come won't we tom.Oh uh yeah.Tom do you want to tell your family tonight that we are officiall or not.Yeah only if you want.Yeah.

You all finshed.You went to the dishes.Baby ill do them you go shower.Oh ok thanks Tommy.Yiu give him a kiss then go shower.

The next part will be out soon sorry haven't posted in a while

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