chapter fourteen

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The dream never left me that day. Instead, I walked around in a drunken state. My mind was cloudy, and there wasn't a single book in Phoenix Drop that allowed for me to piece together logical reasons behind it. I never told anyone due to the fear of unexplained feelings being the cause.

This was three days ago.

People assumed I was beginning to feel ill, and I allowed for this. It wasn't until Dante sent Kawaii~Chan over to check up on me that this was proven to be incorrected, and I covered my state on tiredness. Kawaii~Chan nodded and insisted I rest at that moment, tucking me into my bed to further prove how serious she was regarding the matter. She stopped by later that evening with dinner in hand, but I knew she was seeing if I was resting. I pretended to sleep to please her but also so she would go away.

A knock on my door throws me in for a loop when I see the snow falling in heavy clumps outside of my window. The fire burns strong in the low lighting, but it's little compared to the bitter wind. Snow blows into the entryway when I open the door to reveal Dante and the children. I quickly usher the three inside near the fire, claiming they're crazy to come out in such weather.

"I can't stay long, but I was hoping you could watch them today," Dante admits, appearing to be rather sheepish. "Kawaii~Chan is nursing Aphmau as she's fallen ill. I have patrol and don't want to bring them with me in fear they'll become cold. Kawaii~Chan fears they'll become sick if they went with her, and they're too young to be left alone unattended for so long."

I can't help but to nod in response to Dante, kneeling down to Nekoette's level to help strip her of her wraps. Dimitri appears to be able to strip himself on his own, requiring little assistance. "Of course," I tell him, wrapping a nearby blanket around the two children, causing them to be huddled together on the couch. "Perhaps the weather will lighten up while you're on patrol. But regardless, please be safe."

He nods his head. His shoulders relax from their tense state, and he reaches for my hand to squeeze. Little is said between us before his hand reaches the doorknob.

"Come by when it's your lunch. I know Kawaii~Chan is busy. I'll have food ready, and it'll be warm. Do you need anything in the meantime?"

"Something warm to sip on would be appreciated, but I know I'm running low on time. Alexis is ready to switch soon."

My feet are faster than my lips could ever be. I had run some tea before the three had stopped by, so it should still be warm and untouched. I find something to place it into to keep it warm and usher it into Dante's hands, urging him to try his hardest to stay warm. It's still early on in the morning, and there is the possibility of it warming up. But for now, it's cold.


The weather lightened up some where it was bearable to be outside. The wind had practically died down, bringing the temperature up. I don't have children of my own, so I didn't have much for a child to do within my house. Nekoette was content with basic housekeeping duties, but Dimitri wanted excitement.

Dante announced to me that the wind was dying when lunch had hit, but he had hours of patrol left to do, and he didn't want to force the children outside for that long. He thought the children wouldn't have minded, but it was the parent side of him that did. Regardless, I insisted that they remain by my side until he decided otherwise.

Now, in some way, the two have managed to convince me to play the most unfair game of tag. Instead of everyone being on their own, Nekoette and Dimitri have not-so-secretly teamed up together. Myself, on the other hand, am alone and sadly losing to children under the age of ten.

"That's cheap!" I yell out, feeling little hands tugging onto the back of my coat, causing the youngest of the two to easily swoop in and tag me in the process. "You cannot hold onto my coat. Besides, it makes it easier to do this!"

Dimitri's eyes widen when he's tagged in response, falling backwards onto his butt and complaining of sudden pain. I didn't know I pushed him with such excitement. Quick panic swells within me as I stumble onto my knees. "Are you alright?"

He brings his face up to me with a pained expression. I frown at the sight, instantly feeling as though I need to nurse him. When I realize I have to explain to Dante why Dimitri's butt is broken is when my face drops. Dimitri, on the other hand, becomes quite devious in his own expression as he points behind me.

Thinking it's Dante, I turn to look up only to be met with a ball of snow in the face. "You traitors!" I gasp out, feeling snow slipping into the creases of what fabric didn't cover around the skin of my neck and melt.

Nekoette is quick to fall into the snow from me pulling her down, and my arm hooked around Dimitri's waist prevents him from running away. The two giggle as snow is tossed into the air as a last resort to make me let him go.

"What in the name of Irene is going on here?"

A voice causes the three of us to go silent and look up. Dimitri and Nekoette happily call out to Dante and charge at his knees. My own feel weak and have grown wet from the snow they're packing down on. I can't tell if my exhale is shaky from surprise or the rigid air.

I'm slow to stand, but my movements are fast when I'm on my feet. I wrap my arms around him, closing my eyes to breathe in his scent. "Laurance, you jackass, where were you?"

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