chapter seventeen

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Vylad never mentioned my book again. I tried not to think of it. Sometimes it crept into my thoughts, but I would push it away like it was never there. I've learned how to do that.

Sometimes I can't help but to want to go back to a happier time. A time when secrets were held and little questioned them. Where I found my first love and glowed with happiness. The idea of dancing around a fire with little ones trailing behind. Smiles. Laughs. The biggest woe I had was Laurance's transformation into a Shadow Knight. Now I miss his orange hair. A symbol when everything was normal. What was I? Nineteen? Twenty?

I'm nearing twenty-two already. Twenty-one has been full of sorrow.

"Land. There's land up ahead."

The idea of land is almost foreign to me now. I haven't seen it for days. I've heard Katelyn growing sick, and the sound of waves crashing into one another again. The constant rocking of the boat nearly makes me forget what day it is. Only the Sun alerts days passing.

The words make all heads turn. Travis is the one to say them, oblivious to the sudden attention his way. Or, he doesn't care. I envy that.

My eyes narrow towards Laurance and Aphmau, confused on how everything can appear to be so normal between them. They laugh and smile before business takes over. Guard and Lord. It's as if he hadn't disappeared for all that time.

Aphmau's footsteps sound on the wood, growing louder with each step. "It's large. It looks promising. The Sun is still high. We could split up and adventure again. Meet around here at, let's see, three? Vylad, you'll join me. Won't you?"

She looks me in my eyes. They dance a wicked waltz before she turns away from me. I reach for Kandi's arm, and she staggers in her walk. "She did that on purpose," I comment.

"She likes to play games," she tells me, shaking her head before motioning for me to let go of her arm. "Travis and I are going to buddy up. Why don't you be Laurance's partner? Perhaps he'll talk to you."

I feel like I've gone crazy. Travis and Kandi rarely talk to one another, so it confused me as to why they're becoming partners. Maybe she knew all along Aphmau would pull this. But why wouldn't she choose me?"

"I doubt it," I sigh.

My feet are quick to find Laurance. It wasn't very hard, as he hadn't moved in some time. He seems friendly, so this may go well.

"You wouldn't be too disappointed to be my partner, would you?" I ask him.

His eyes find me, and the corner of his mouth lifts in a crooked smile. "I suppose not. It's better than Katelyn when she reeks of vomit."

She had gotten sick only minutes ago. I pity whomever she goes with because she craves ginger.


It's been a pleasant trip so far. Laurance and I haven't yelled or argued, and we reminisce on the good times before life became an actual living hell. We spoke of Cadenza and playing in the flower fields while dad watched us from afar. How we grew older as time passed, or how Laurance knew exactly why he wanted to be a guard from nine years of age.

We speak of Garroth and Kandi. Of Cadenza and Dante. To my distaste, he speaks highly of Aphmau as I bite my tongue to keep silent on this topic. I didn't want to ruin a moment with my inability to control my temper. He even learned more of Vylad, and I learned of how the two knew each other prior to the current meeting months ago.

"What do you think?"

My question is left unanswered. At first, I think Laurance is toying with me. I laugh, telling him to knock it off before the silence continues.


When I turn around, he's gone. I was leading up for so long, cutting long weeds away with a sword, that I hadn't noticed he disappeared.

It's me, myself, and I. I don't know where my brother went. And inside a land that I am not familiar with, that terrifies me. I can feel a quickening within me. "Laurance? Come on out now. This isn't very funny."

My voice feels small within the forest of trees. My lip quivers. The light is darkening, symbolizing sunset approaching. Absentmindedly, my grip tightens on the sword at hand. Fear levels rise.

A stick near me breaks, and I turn my body in the direction. A familiar voice sounds, but the twinge hiding behind it unnerves me. "You look like a child, shaking like that."

"Where the hell did you go? You left me–" My voice catches in my throat. It leaves me standing there, mouth open, but speechless. This isn't Laurance, but instead the monster that curses him.

I never thought I would've been on the receiving end of my brother's sword.

My body trembles as a result, as my breath shakes. The point presses against the skin of my throat, but soon there's blood on my hands. 

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