chapter twenty five

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We didn't stay in O'Khasis past that night. When dark was well above us, and Zianna saved, she guided us to where she thought was safety. 

I remained in the shadows, behind everyone as we walked back. The four played a game of catch-up while I remained silent. It warms me inside to see them so happy with this reunion. It nearly made my forget about my own family problems. 

It took us weeks to return back to the island. Aphmau had maybe a month or two left of her pregnancy, and many found it a poor idea for her to travel in her condition. 

Frankly, I was happy to be going home. I was hoping that Laurance would've been back and waiting for us all. I was waiting for him to be outside, doing something, and ask us where we went. 

That didn't happen. Laurance remained to be gone. Vylad went out to look for him one last time, but he claimed he couldn't find him. 

Leaving O'Khasis I knew that nothing would ever be the same again. I wasn't sure how we'd continue on with everything. Zianna didn't come back to the island with us, but she promised to visit often. 

Cadenza had already left long before that. She had a village to return to, but she hated the idea of leaving the way she did. Her visit wasn't long. The situation in O'Khasis cut it short. 

Garroth seemed happier when we returned. The twins appeared the same. The pregnancy eventually stopped bothering those it bothered and continued to overjoy others. I remained neutral with the thought of Laurance constantly in my head. 

I thought we were making progress. So why did he leave so suddenly? 

"How is everything?" I ask. 

Kandi looks at me, her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. I don't know if she thinks I'm alluding to something or if she is genuine. 

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," I say. "How is everything? How are you doing?"

We don't have to watch over the children today. Kawaii~Chan suggested it be her day because she wanted to spend more time with her children. I don't mind, of course. My brain has been so scattered I don't believe myself to be a good supervisor. 

The two of us are taking a break. I've been doing whatever I could to distract myself lately, and I don't think I'm much of a help with building. I'm terrible at it, and there's only so many weeds a person can pull until there aren't any more. 

"Well, everything certainly is different. There's so much change going on that it can be hard to keep up." Kandi looks over at me. I can tell that she's dancing around certain topics and steering towards happier ones. "Just have to keep swimming, I suppose."

"Easier said than done. I've never been a great swimmer," I admit. 

"You're staying afloat."

I kick a rock that is in front of me and continue walking. Laurance wouldn't approve, but Kandi is going to review basic sword technique with me again. She's better at compact than I am, and I feel I've gotten rusty. I haven't used a sword in a year now.

"How long until I drown?"


Vylad comes towards us, causing Kandi to stop what she's doing. I nearly rip her shirt with how sudden she halts with her actions. 

"What could he want that he came all this way for?" I question out loud. It's quiet, and it's mainly to myself. Kandi has already walked to get a drink of water. I take this as a hint to do the same.

"Can I talk to you?" Vylad asks me, glancing over at Kandi for a brief second. "Alone?"

Kandi begins to gather her belongings and announces that it's best she leaves anyway. I give her my sword and ask for her to take it back, and she obliges. 

I motion for Vylad to sit on one of the large rocks nearby, but he opposes to my suggestion. He reflects the suggestion towards me, but he receives the same response. 

"Are you going to run off too?" I joke. "You've told me to sit down. Doesn't that normally mean something is wrong?" 

He doesn't react to my words. I take this as a serious question and sober myself up. I don't believe I'm going to enjoy where this is going. 

"It may be easier if you hear this from me," He says. "I know you well enough to know how to deliver the news."

"Something isn't wrong with my sister, correct?" I ask, immediately jumping to conclusions. 

"No, no. Your sister is alright."

A wave of relief washes over me. It pleases me to know that my sister is alright. Though, the relief is short-lived when I remember that the tone of this conversation is concerning. "Then what is the matter?"

"They've concluded that Laurance is missing."

THEN YOU LET GOTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang