Chapter 7 - Murder Mystery

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It was the same year Noah started sending us letters again. He told us all about his adventures as a No-Maj Special Agent. It was fascinating for us, but now we truly know how dangerous it is. Of course, at the time, we weren't allowed to tell anyone.


And that's when I saw the most terrifying thing I have ever seen.... a dead body. The smell of death gave me a headache. I've never seen a real dead body before. The others came by to see what was going on. Professor Dumbledore pushed past the crowds, followed by Professor McGonagall and Snape. " Move!" He said with a loud booming voice. He took a piece of paper he found on the body. "Professor Snape, close off the corridor before any other students see this. You three, follow me!" We did, followed by McGonagall.

"We need to find who did this, Albus, and bring him to justice" Professor McGonagall has such a big heart, I've always admired that about her.

"What do you suggest we do Minerva? We don't want the students to panic."

"I suggest we find the person responsible before they harm anyone else"

"That'll be very hard. The person responsible used to be a student here. He probably knows every inch of the castle. I spent three years hunting down the bastard, I'd like to help."

"Didn't you arrest him three years ago?"

"Yes, but he escaped months later."

"How did he escape?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"He faked his death."

"That's why you faked yours. You knew he wouldn't fall for it, you just wanted his attention." I said, realizing what his plan was.


"This was found on the body." Professor Dumbledore handed me the paper.

"You're next" I thought Finn was more original than that.

"He is." Jared grabbed the paper out of my hand and held it up to the light

"What are you doing?"

"I'm seeing if there's a hidden message or something."

Jared always had a thing for codes and hidden messages. I was more of an interrogations and aggressive negotiations kind of girl. He waved the piece of paper over a flame, the hidden message started to reveal itself. It was a series of numbers and letters.

"What does it mean?"

"I don't know."

"I thought you were an expert on this sort of thing."

"Usually, but this is different. I don't know what it means."

~2 days later~

I spent the next morning thinking about the note. In potions class, I almost blew myself up. Professor Slughorn helped me up off the floor.

"Merlin's beard! What happened? Are you alright Miss Walker?"

"Yes, Professor. I just got a little distracted."

"Well next time be careful what potion." he said, giving me a stern but kind look.

"Yes professor" He smiled and left to help other students. I could hear Mathilda laughing next to me.

"It's not funny!"

"Just a little bit." We started laughing, but eventually got back to our potions.

Later that afternoon, I was on my way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I decided to sit down for a minute. "I guess I'm still a bit dizzy from potions class." I spoke to myself.


I took the piece of paper out of the inside pocket of my robe. I stared at it blankly. I tried a few tricks Jared showed me like replacing the numbers with letters and rearranging them or removing the letters and looking at the numbers, but nothing worked. I was starting to get a headache.

"I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."

I turned my head and saw a man standing at the end of the corridor. I stood up and took a few steps forward. I froze in my steps when I realized who it was. I had never seen him before, his features were so distinct: Short dark hair and dead blue eyes that could stare straight into your soul.

"Why are you here? What do you want with me?"

"Oh no. It's not you I want. It's your brother. You see, it's all part of my plan. In order to get to your brother, I need to get rid of you."

And that's when it happened. He reached into his jacket and took out a gun. My brother taught me about this sort of thing. It's a lethal weapon that projects bullets and with proper aim, could kill someone. He aimed it straight at me. I was paralyzed. I felt a sharp pain in my right arm and fell to the floor. His gun fell to the floor. He walked over to me, grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up off the floor, and held me tight against him. I elbowed him in the chest and escaped his grasp. After fourth year, I took self-defense lessons just in case. He punched me in the jaw, I took a few steps back and kicked him in the stomach. My heart was practically beating out of my floor and aimed it at me. I felt an awful pain in my stomach, I hit the cold floors of the castle. All I could see was Finn walking off into the distant corridor before. My vision went black.

I opened my eyes, it was bright and I couldn't see anything. My vision started to clear up. I was lying down on a bed in the hospital wing. I turned my head slightly to the right and saw Noah pacing back and forth next to the bed. "Stop pacing, you're making me dizzy," I said in a hushed voice. He stopped and looked down at me. He quickly bent down and hugged me. "Thank God you're okay. I was afraid you were never gonna wake up."

"Oww, Noah."

"Sorry" he pulled away and sat down next to me on the bed.

"How long was asleep?"

"Three days."

"What?" I started to feel sick.

"We got the bullet out of your stomach, but you lost a lot of blood."

"What about Jared and Mathilda Draco?"

"Don't worry. I'll let them know you're awake and that you're alright. You should rest, I'll come and see you in the morning." He gently kissed my forehead and left.

Memories-Draco Malfoy StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant