Chapter 9

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Jared, Noah, Mathilda and I made our way to the location we indicated on the map, it was in the forest outside the school. We stopped walking after about two minutes. The area was more open, less trees, easier to see the hooded figure standing in the middle. It was Marcus. I tried hard not to show my fear, I didn't want him to think I was vulnerable and that he had the upper hand.

"Why are we here?" I shouted from a distance as he gave me a sickening grin.

"Well, I didn't want to ruin the beautiful castle. So many happy memories there."

"What do you want?" Jared said, stepping out from behind me.

"I want my revenge. Your brother took away my powers. He took everything I had!

"You killed innocent people!" Noah replied angrily.

"Those people were hardly innocent. That body you found was a spy in the Ministry of Magic secretly feeding information to the Deatheaters! I did what I did for the greater good."

"You're mad!" Mathilda said.

"Yes, well, that happens when you spend 3 years in prison planning your revenge."

I felt my feet lift up off the ground. I hit the ground hard and everything went black. I woke up a few seconds later, my head was spinning. When I got up, I saw a flash coming towards me. I dodged it and hid behind a tree. Mathilda was crouching behind a bush beside me.

"What the hell was that?"

"What do you think it was?! Magic!"

"I mean where is it coming from?"

"How am I supposed to know? I've been hiding, trying not to get killed. I tried to fight back, but it's as if nothing affects him."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, but we need to do something, fast. If not, we're dead." I heard Noah's voice behind a tree next to me. He was right. We had to do something and stop this crazy son of a bitch. I stood up and everything went black. 

The last thing I remember was waking up in the middle of the forest with Mathilda, Noah and Jared who sat up next to me and asked me if I was alright. "I'm fine." I felt like I was waking up from a dream. Except, I couldn't remember anything past the moment Noah walked into Hogwarts. "What happened?"

"No one knows. It's like our memories have been erased." Noah said helping me up.

"We should get back to Hogwarts. "Jared said as he started walking towards the castle.

I was glad to see no one was hurt. We said goodbye to Noah, he promised he would come visit us in the summer. Jared and Mathilda went straight to bed, but I decided to stay up a bit and clear my head. I have a pretty good memory, yet I can't remember the last two weeks! I was walking down a corridor when I saw Draco coming towards me. "Paige? Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere! You've been gone all day! What happened?"

"I don't know. I can't remember anything from the past two weeks."

"So, you don't... remember anything? Anything at all?"

"Nothing. It's like a big gap."

Draco filled me in on everything that happened: Finn, the time I got shot, the bathroom incident. But there were still pieces missing. I felt sick to my stomach, remembering the time I almost died, I almost lost Draco, my brothers, my friends.

The next day, in DADA, we had to hand in two pieces of parchment on a subject of our choice. I handed mine in and Mathilda handed in ten pieces of parchment (as usual ;-) ). It was a very stressful week studying and trying to fill in the blanks in my memory. I'm pretty sure Draco noticed, because, this weekend on a nice sunny day, he took me out for a walk outside of Hogwarts.

"Close your eyes," he said.


"Trust me."

I closed my eyes. He took my hand and guided me. I had no idea where we were going. I opened my eyes and saw the Black Lake and there were blankets and pillows set up next to a tree. We sat down and enjoyed each other's company. I tried to remember the last time I felt this way.

"I have to do it tonight... finish my mission." Moment over. Draco's words snapped me back to reality.

"What happens to you afterwards?"

"I don't know. But, promise me, no matter what happens, you'll stay inside the castle."

"I promise."

I didn't need protection. But, Draco was right. Who knew what the Dark Lord had in store. I got back to the common room and lied down, I tried to take my mind off of things. I was restless, I got up and paced back and forth.

"Paige. Is everything all right?"

I didn't even acknowledge the fact that my best friend was concerned for me, I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. I knew Dumbledore, but I wasn't close to him. knew there wouldn't fight back, he would never attack a student. Personally, I What if Draco did... kill him? What would happen then? What if he didn't complete his mission? I can't even imagine what the Dark Lord would do to him. It felt like an eternity just waiting for something to happen. "Paige!" Mathilda was grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes.

"Fine... I'm fine... everything's fine. I'm gonna go... study." I didn't want her to know something was wrong.

"Study? For what? Tomorrow's the last day!"

"I'll see you later."

I ran to the dorms as fast as possible. I lied in my bed with my eyes open for what felt like hours, thinking about everything that's happened this year. I heard panicking in the common room, everyone was rushing outside, I finally got out and managed to push past a few people. Everything went quiet, not a single noise. That's when I saw it... Dumbledore's body lying perfectly on the ground, as if someone had carefully placed it there. As if he was already lying in a coffin.

~Time skip ~

It was finally the last day! I was kind of sad because I liked Hogwarts, it's where my family is. But, I'm also kind of happy because I'm leaving behind some bad memories, at least until next year.

"What are your plans for the summer?" Mathilda asked.

"We are going to take ballroom dance classes. We took a few classes when we were younger, but we had to stop because we didn't have enough money.

"Sounds like fun! We should take some classes too Blaise!"

"Not bloody likely! I don't dance." We all started laughing. It was nice, but it wasn't the same without Draco.

"So, Mathilda, I was thinking since you didn't get to spend much time sightseeing, maybe we should go on a trip this summer. You know, girls only."

"Sounds fun! But, I've always wanted to see New York City! The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Grand Central Station..."

"New York City it is then!"

We got on the train and started planning our little girls getaway. Mathilda wanted to invite Emily, I thought it was a great idea, since she knew every inch of the place. Blaise and Jared were talking about whatever it is about. At King's Cross, we got off the train, said goodbye and went our separate ways.

~two weeks later~

I woke up early in the morning and dance practice wasn't until noon. I had breakfast, took a shower, got dressed and made a batch of brownies. I was waiting for them to bake, so I decided to write to Draco. I hadn't heard from him since I last saw him at school, I was really starting to worry. I wrote down everything that happened in the past two weeks. It didn't take long since not much had happened: dance classes, planning our girls getaway and Jared's "girlfriend" (still don't believe him).

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