i'm gonna fall

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theme: fluff
triggers: none
includes: kisses, cuddles, soft affection

Y/N - fem
C/N - masc

no ones perspective

C/N had suggested the couple go ice skating due to the cold season, they thought it would be a fun activity for the especially considering neither of them had done it before. So here they were, sitting in C/N's car driving to the rink. "Dude, I'm so going to fall on my ass, I'm gonna leave her with broken bones" Y/N laughed, glancing at the boy sitting in the drivers seat. "You're not gonna fall! I told you, I'm gonna be there to catch you." The girls heart melted at just how soft this boy could be. She never knew she could love someone so much and yet she finds herself falling in love with him more and more everyday.


The couple arrived at the skate rink, they had collected their skates and were now waiting in a cafe space drinking hot chocolates, she was scrolling through Instagram as the boy stared at her with a smile on his face. "I can feel you staring at me." She glanced over at him, raising a brow. "Am I not allowed to look at my gorgeous girlfriend?" Pink flushed her cheeks as she rolled be eyes, looking back at her phone. "Shut up.. how long until we're allowed on the ice?" C/N checked his phone. "5 Minutes, have some patience Y/N!" The boy chuckled to himself as the girl huffed, blowing her fringe up out of her face. They were soon on the ice and safe to say they were both pretty bad at it. They were recording eachother/taking photos and majority of the footage was them falling over. Y/N got the hang of it eventually but C/N was rubbish. "It's not that hard C/N!! Just one foot and then the other." The boy grumbled quietly as he stood back up slowly, grabbing gently onto his girlfriend's wrists as she helped him to skate around. "See you've got it!" She smiled as she glanced up at him, her smile made him melt, he'd fall in love with her over and over again whenever he saw that smile of hers..

They asked a stranger to take a couple photos of them and they now sat back in the familiar cafe area after an hour and a half worth of skating, Y/N scrolling through filters to put onto their photos as C/N stared at her. The girl posted the photos as she smiled to herself, she looked up at the boy who had been starting at her and tilted her head. "You okay honey?" She felt a hand on her right cheek and a pair of lips on her own before they quickly left, she stared into the C/E/C (crush's eye colour) eyes infront of her. "What was that for? Are you okay, you look lost.." she whispered, a hand still placed on her face.

"The only thing I lost was my heart, to you.. and I don't ever want it back. I love you Y/N, more than anything."

( brb crying, why can't someone love me like this )

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