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"Hello guys. This Mile Ambrose and I'm here with Michael Hamilton and his supposed model girlfriend, Olive Brown. A lot of people have been speculating about the relationship between the business man and the model. So today, we're about to hear it from the man himself".

CATA TURNED IN Reina's direction to see any reaction. Reina looked as if her shattered heart had just been shattered again after being repaired.

"So, Michael tell us. What's the relationship between you two. Are you just colleagues in the company or is there something more to it?".

Reina frantically got up. "Um, I have to go and do something really important".

Cata sighed at her friend. "Val, please whatever that is going through your head shut it down". Rather than listening to her friend, Reina quickly made her way inside the room. Once she was in, she fell to the floor. Then she cried. She cried her heart out.

It was not even a week after the disaster that occurred and he was quick to tell the world about him and his mistress. The love she bore him was so great that it hurt when she saw him smiling at the woman next to him. It was as if she was a precious gem that was rare.

She wiped her tears and stood up. She wasn't going to cry over someone who didn't value her. She wasn't going to waste her tears on someone who always thought she was invisible.

She was going to be the woman her mother wanted her to be. She was going to be strong and overcome whatever this was. With that thought in her head, she quickly changed into a white tank top with a cardigan covering her exposed shoulder and black jeans. She bent down to slip a pair of sandals on her feet.

She was ready. She was ready as ever to face the inevitable. She made her way outside of the room to the door of the apartment when Cata stopped her.

"Val, I hope you've thought of whatever you're going to do. Please come back home safely in one piece". Reina just gave her a curt nod before getting out. If Cata knew it was the last time she'd see her friend, she'd have hugged her soo tight and told her that she loved her.


Reina sighed as the taxi she sat in pulled up infront of the large building. She watched as employees entered the building after lunch or maybe they where late. The taxi driver stared at her through the mirror. He was curious as to why the girl had been staring at the building for the past ten minutes. And also, she hadn't paid for the ride.

"Um, Miss?". The taxi driver called and she was brought back to her senses. "My money, please". She grinned sheepishly at him before digging through her purse and handing a twenty dollar note to him. After that, she got out and the driver called out to her.

"Hey, Miss?! Your change!". But she just smiled telling him to keep the change. The man also smiled at her whiles blessing her. Then he drove off.

This girl, her kindness is going to bring her success one day.

Reina took in a deep breath whiles giving herself a pep talk. "You have to do this, Val. You have to be strong and overcome whatever that comes in your way". She murmured to herself. Nodding to herself as she'd got her self confidence back, she made her way into the building.

Just as she was in, the judgemental stares of the employees were on her. According to the dress code of the company, she was wrong to wear what she did. The whispers only got stronger as she made her way further. Just then, in a perplexed tone, someone called her.

"Miss Reina?!". She turned around to see redhead female holding a bunch of papers in her frail arms. It was Sophie, Michael's personal assistant.

"Hey, Sophie". Reina smiled at her but she didn't get one in return. Instead she got a," What are you doing here?".

"Oh, I'm just here to see Michael".

"Miss Reina, look I know you're going through a lot but this is not the time. Michael is going through a lot trying to secure deals here and there for our newest collection. So I'd appreciate it if you left here without any commotion".

"It's funny how you think you have a say in what I came here to do. You're just his assistant and nothing more. So please, don't let me intruding stop you from doing your work".

Sophie just stared at the woman before her in shock. She had never heard her speak in that tone before. If it was the Reina two days ago, she would have silently made her way out of the building as per the request of Michael's assistant. But not today.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got somewhere to be". With that, Reina left the other woman staring at her with her mouth agape. Reina stood silently as she stared at the door infront of her. If she went in, she'd get everything she had wanted.

 If she went in, she'd get everything she had wanted

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