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LONDON WAS A beautiful place to be. Well, to be more specific, Mayfair was. Mayfair in London was like the Upper East Side in New York. Mayfair had the most expensive and exclusive hotels and gourment restaurants where some of the richest and famous designers dined.

Even though Mayfair was literally the most affluent part of the nation, it had little cafés here and there where the English went when they were tired of gourmet meals. The weather in Mayfair was unpredictable but that was what made it more like it was.

The melody of the chirping birds made the brown skinned lady sigh as she swirled the wine glass she held taking a little sip here and there.

Mayfair was beautiful. But whiles it was home or acted like home for some people, it wasn't home for her.

When she felt the water become cold, she took a large sip of the wine in the glass, accidentally gulping down the whole content. She sat the porcelain glass at a table nearby and slipped out of the tub, putting on a white fluffy robe.

She then paddled to her bedroom when someone barged through the room, distracting her of what she was about to do. The person apologised and she recognised it as the voice of her home assistant.

Her home assistant on her left swiped up something on the screen of the Ipad she held, causing the action to go into contact with the screen of the TV.

On the screen was a bunch of photos in a slide. The first side consisted of an approval letter, the second was a video and the last was another specific and particular photo which brought a smirk not only on the assistant's face but hers.

"It seems the golden ticket just reached out to you, Ms. Valsov". She nodded at that and gestured for her assistant to leave her room as she needed privacy, but not before telling her to alert her driver she'd be out in a few minutes. She sat on the bed as she once again stared at the slides before her.

It had been four years. Four years since The Incident. Four good years since they stopped searching for her. Four years since they gave up.

After her little tête à tête, she rummaged through her designer clad closet and settled for a pale grey cropped blazer top with a matching skirt which seemed in contrast with the pale blue open toe heels she had slipped on. She brought out a little pale blue bag from the bag clad part of her closet to be in aesthetic with her outfit.

Her brown eyes shone brightly with determination and her braids which were in a high ponytail swished with every step she took. This was the time to strike.

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