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"WELL, IF YOU'LL excuse me, I've got somewhere to be". With that, Reina left the other woman staring at her with her mouth agape. Reina stood silently as she stared at the door infront of her. If she went in, she'd get everything she had wanted.

She slowly opened the door and smiled when she saw that the room was empty. She took a look around the room. Not gonna lie, he had great taste. She was still looking around when her arm accidentally knocked down a batch of papers.

"Oh, no". She bent down to take a hold of the papers when one caught her eye. She looked at the half part of the paper and pulled it out so she could fully see it. The content that is.

"My designs? He took them?!". She murmured in bewilderment. She hastily spread out all the papers in hope to see some of it. And boy, did she see a lot.

But what came next gave her the shock of her life. It was Michael and Olive still on the tv with the host.

"So, now that you've confirmed your relationship with Miss Olive here, what would you like to tell us?". The host eagerly asked the man at question. 

"Well, all I'd say is stay tuned for our newest collection, Glow In the Dark".

Reina's eyes widened.

"Glow In the Dark? But that's what I was going to name my first ever collection". She whispered to herself in the empty room.

Slowly but surely, she realised that she had been played. Big time. She felt her fingers clench as she saw Michael grin at the praises he got for her hardwork.


Reina sat on the grass in Michael's house, silently humming to a song that popped up in her head. She always loved to come there as she wanted to see Michael but he was never present.

"Reina, what are you doing?". Someone asked from behind and a small smile formed on Reina's face. That voice. She knew that voice. She turned around with a smile still on her face.

"Oh, I'm just making sketches of my designs. You do remember that I want to make my own fashion line right?".

"Oh, yes, I do. How could I ever forget.  So what is the name of your first collection?". Michael asked as he sat down next to her.

"Glow In the Dark". She responded.

"Glow In the Dark? That has a nice ring to the designs. It really fits". He said and she smiled at the praises.

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