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LUCIANO WALKED TOWARDS her, each step calculated and dominant like that of a warrior, his blue eyes shone like ancient jewels under the dim light of his office.

"Reina Valsov". He brought out his hand, gesturing for her to take it.

"Luciano De Luca". And she did.

"Have a seat, won't you?". Luciano gestured to the seat behind Reina. The smirk never leaving his God like face. Reina on the other hand looked as if she was ready for business. She put her bag down and instead of doing as he said, she stood.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine. I know you know why I'm here". She just went straight to the point with no beating around the bush. With this, Luciano's eyes sparked. This was what he wanted.

"Oh, do I? I don't think I do. So, can you go over again?". Reina rolled her dark eyes at him.

"I'm here for a preposition. We all know that, that company is mine. He doesn't deserve it. He needs to pay for everything he's done to me".

"And what do I have to do with this?".

"I want his intestines on a silver platter. And you're going to help me". She stated firmly. Damn, he'd never seen a woman who stood firmly to him like that. It was only her.

"Your wish is my command, Reina. But I still don't get why you need me. And even if I did, I would think about it". He was literally pressing her buttons now. A slow but cunning smirk found its way on Reina's face.

"In the business world, what you said means no. But wouldn't you like to avenge her? Maybe you don't. Won't she be thinking that the oh so great Luciano who she taught loved her doesn't want to avenge her?".

With her words, Luciano took a large stride across the room to the woman on which he held her face in his hands and his jaw clenched. Hard.

"Don't you dare utter a word about her. You know nothing, but if you utter a word about her again, I'll-".

"You'll what huh? Hit me? Kill me? Gosh, Luciano, this is where the problem is. Your emotions. Is this how you'll react every single time she's brought up? If so then, they'll have the upper hand on you".

Reina spoke confidently, unblinking as she stared at him. Dark eyes to blue eyes. "Now, get your hands off me and keep your emotions in check".

If Luciano was surprised by whatever went through, he didn't show it. But the sparks in his blue eyes said otherwise.

With a daunting smile on her face, she turned around to leave, taking her bag on the way but not before sliding three cards from her bag onto his table.

" Oh and? You're invited to my fashion show". She didn't even wait for him to utter any words. She just left and Luciano still looked at her retreating figure, her hips swaying side to side as she walked.

A smirk slowly found its way on his face. He could sense that the year they were in would be full of surprises. The first one being the wrath of London's finest designer, Reina Valsov.

Luciano was making his way to his seat when two loud voices rang in his large office. He immediately recognized the voices as that of his brothers, Matteo and Stephano De Luca.

What were they even doing here? He rubbed his forehead before sitting down. Waiting for the nonsense his brothers had to say.

"Hello, brother!". The first person said. It was Matteo. His tall structure and blue eyes were similar to his older brother's. The differences were simple though. Matteo entertained ideas his elder brother did not.

"What are you doing here?".

"Is that how to acknowledge your darling brothers?". This time, it was Stephano. He was the youngest and the one who could charm any girl he wanted with his smooth olive skin and forest green eyes. All girls loved him.

"Seriously, what are you guys doing here? I have loads of work to do and I don't need any distractions". Luciano stated as the boys took a seat.

"But that's not what the words going around says". Matteo spoke, his eyes shining with mischief whiles Luciano furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?".

"Well, there're talks going around the company that a woman, a fine one at that, came to your office today". Stephano said eagerly waiting for his elder brother's answer.

"It's none of your business". Luciano stated but that only fuelled the eagerness and curiosity in his brothers.

"Oh, when you say that, it really means it's our business. Bro, we're siblings. Why don't you want to share with us?". Matteo said and Luciano glared at him. Icily, but Matteo wasn't faced by it.

"As, I said, it's none of your business. Now you guys should get out and go to your offices. I have work to do".

"I can't go though. My assistant just resigned". Stephano said and Matteo shook his head. His curls falling in his face as he did so.

"More like you fired her. Stephano, I know you. You probably fucked her and when she wanted a relationship, you fired her".

"Damn, bro. You know a lot about me".

"I do, when it comes to the expense of our company". Matteo pointedly spoke.

"How many times do I have to tell you this?! If you want to fuck, don't do it here. There were a lot of rumours going around last time about the white substance in the boardroom".

Stephano flushed at Luciano's words. "It was only one time!".


Reina smirked and put on her sunglasses as she entered the backseat of the car. She knew Luciano would have no choice but to accept the offer. It was a win-win. She would get what she wanted as would he.

If everything went well, they wouldn't see her coming. No one would, and when she striked, no one would be left unscathed. Right now, she'd allow them to sit and relax.

The sound of a phone ringing disrupted the silent atmosphere in the car. The driver was silent and so was Reina. She didn't want any friends because of what happened. Realising that she was slipping into a portion of her mind that she wasn't going to, she picked up the phone.

"Kim Ae-Ri, to what do I owe the pleasure?". A smile danced on her lips as she heard the voice on the other side of her phone.

"Rei, come on, all pleasantries aside. You know why I called".

"No beating around the bush. I like that. Where should we meet up?".

"L'ancien Cheshire. I'll be waiting for you".

The other person hunged up and Reina turned her attention to the driver. "Albert, make a turn to L'ancien Cheshire".




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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