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----------- two

her bad attitude

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her bad attitude. -----------

Regulus beamed at the guilty face logged on the red-head as she was exported out of the classroom. The girl had been a disruption, starting on the teacher because she didn't understand the work, and Slughorn was fed up. "You can come back to class and learn with the rest of them once you get that attitude of yours sorted."

"Great, no more potions for me." Toby smirked at him, strutting out the bulky door. Once it shut behind her, she took a moment of redemption to herself. Slapping her side, biting at the skin on her lower lip, the ginger wandered outside. Her eyes scanned nature, landing on an old, yet strong, tree with a bench laying under it. Something inside the girl called out for mischief, to cause a problem. She knew he would be fuming if he caught her at this bench again, but did she care? No.

The time flew past as the conversations in her head entertained her. "What are you doing?" A new voice, not one from her head, questioned in an irritated tone.

Toby perked her head up, "Just relaxing." She teased, draping her arm along the back of the bench, "You got a problem?"

"I thought we went over this." Regulus huffed, dropping down on the other side of the seat, "This in my bench."

"Yes. And I thought we went over that I do not care."

"What is your issue? Huh?"

"I just needed a place to sit." She shrugged, getting out her sketch pad from her torn satchel.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Well, if you're good, I might even give you an answer."

He rolled his eyes at her lack of ability to hold a regular conversation, "Why do you hate Slughorn?"

"I don't hate him, I hate potions. He just happens to teach it."

"Potions is easy."

"Yeah, maybe for you. You're like the top of every class. But I just can't wrap my head around it. I can mess around all I want in other classes without it being a problem and get the marks I need, but I mess around in potions and Slughorn has a go at me cause I'm pure shit at it."

"Well, then just stop messing around."

"Yeah...." Her view fell back to her drawings, remembering the one she started of him. "Oh! I need to finish my drawing of you! May I..."

"Whatever, just be quiet." Reggie allowed, focusing on a new book.

"Yeah, okay." She clapped, getting stuck in.

"Where are you going?" Toby asked in a solemn voice, eyes peeking above her glasses as the boy stood.

"I have a social life. Friends I need to hang out with." Regulus excused, "I know you may not be familiar with the construct."

"Excuse you! I have friends." the ginger pushed herself up in a haste to scold him.

"I'll believe it when I see it." He cocked his brows at her, nearing the exit. "Stay of my bench, red!"

"It's...!" And he was gone, "It's Toby..." She bite her cheek, gazing at her doodles, it was just his face, perfectly captured. But something was missing. A smile. A twitch of his lips. And she was going to get it.

"What's up with you? Huh?" Rosie poked at the feet that were draped over her lap, "You're zoning out more than usual. What are you drawing?" before the ginger could react, the girl snatched the pad from her grip, "Is that...? Is that Regulus Black?"

"Regulus Black?" The red-head's eyebrows screwed, "That's his name?"

"Yeah...His been here since first year." Rosie chuckled, "How did you not know his name?"

"Names are irrelevant." Toby stole her drawing back, shutting the book.

"He's like the most intimidating person in our year. Why are you drawing him?"

"Because I have to plan it before I can sculpt it, obviously."

"No, I get that. But why him?"

"He's got an greatly structured face. I wanted to make it."

"Have you ever even spoken to him?"

"Of course I have." Toby took her legs of her friend, sitting criss-crossed, "We hung out earlier."

"Hung out?!?" Posie boomed, her voice echoing through the common room, "You hung out with him?"

"Well, it was more just him reading and letting me draw him so I'd be quiet."

"And, where was this?"

"On that one bench under the tree."

"You sat on his bench?! Oh my...!"

"It's just a bench. He doesn't own it."

"Yep, and I'm leaving before he hears you. Good night , bestie."

"Good night, Posie!"


"Yeah, whatever."

A/N: hello again.

yeah, I think i might continue with the short chapters i like it a lot better, sorry if tat annoys anyone.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed

Peace out losers,

xoxo PansAreSmoken

his bench. regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now