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Nick had heard it all from his father when he originally got a BMW from his father about how inconsistent the car was but he thought it looked cool so he went ahead and bought it, he was now regretting that decision massively as he was going to be late to practice as he was stuck on the side of the freeway. He didn't want to call a teammate (that felt embarrassing) and he couldn't in his right mind call a taxi or uber so he was left stranded as he had forgotten to charge his phone the night before.

Ready for the lecture he was going to get from the coaches a restored 1969 chevy blazer pulled over and when the women driving rolled down the windows he could not hear what she said as he was convinced he saw a ghost. "He dude you look like you need some-" and that's when he realized she recognized him, at least she didn't forget him. "brain fart, long time no see." He wasn't sure if he was going to burst into tears right there, after all those years of regret over what he didn't say, hey had his opportunity and as he was about to open his mouth he heard another voice speak up

"Love. Who is this?" Yet again his world was thrown into turmoil as if he was stuck in one place while the rest of the world kept spinning. It was naive to think that such a beautiful women both inside and out would have no problem finding anyone to love her the right way so as if he was on the field he turned back, put his game face on and said,

"Hi I'm Nick, and me and Scarface over here used to date in high school."

well hello there chickens! thank you for picking my story
im really excited to tell the story of Nick and Blanca and i hope you enjoy the ride :]
make sure to eat and drink water and if you want to don't be afraid to vote and comment :]
hope u have a lovely day or night!!!!!

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