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It had been 3 days since Nick had seen Blanca and to be honest it was quite exciting. The idea of getting to reminisce on old memories and share new ones together was on the forefront of his mind. He was extremely thankful that they met again on a Tuesday and they were playing a home game that week. He wanted to get her tickets but he knew that her Grandfather owned season passes.

He walked to the coffee shop as his car wasn't out of the shop yet and when he got there he found a table in the corner and texted Blanca to tell her where he was. He got there early, that was one thing about him he always got places early, so as he sat and wanted for the brunette who captured his attention all the way back in high school to show up he started to fidget in his seat. Maybe it was all a big joke as Blanca was great at disappearing in a moment's notice without saying bye.

He was about to leave, get up go home and come down on himself for being an idiot but as he heard the little bell ring he looked up with a little bit of hope as he watched Blanca walk over to him, he got up and pulled her chair out and she looked to him and out of her mouth came "and they say chivalry is dead. Great to see you brain fart."

"It's always a great day when i get to see your face whitey."

"I thought that nickname was left in high school."

"I thought you left me in high school yet here you are."

"Low blow Bosa, low blow." As they talked about their lives he learned a lot. She had gone to Stanford for undergrad and went to MIT for her masters. She played on the school's soccer team (it wasn't surprising considering she got a scholarship for her soccer skills) and her siblings were doing well. Her older sister Adelina was working as an animator at Disney and her older brother Mateo had gotten married over the summer to his boyfriend Lucas. From the pictures their wedding looked absolutely stunning, much like she did in her best maid dress, which he was sure to let her know, she was sure to blush but like most things with her the good couldn't stay as she told him that she in fact did have a girlfriend.

He expected it. The way the girl in the car looked at Blanca, like she hung the stars, it reminded him of what he looked like in old photos. They reminisce more, on the times he interrupted her school senate meetings or when she tried to get to his classes first to scare him, or the time that she had to get him out of detention because he accidentally put his textbook for history in the washing machine.

As he looked at the time, an hour had gone by. They say time flies when you're having fun and with her he was having all the fun in the world. He knew both of them had places to be and people to see, so as they walked out of the coffee shop Nick could help himself and pulled Blanca into a hug. If he was right, he felt Blanca relax in his arms, and maybe all hope wasn't lost to be slow dancing to She's Got A Way by Billy Joel while their friends and families cried.

soooooo obvi i had to get Billy in here
thanks for reading make sure to eat and drink and if u want to vote/comment
i love each and everyone if you

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