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The feeling of Nick's arms curling around her was a feeling she really missed. They made her feel like she was safe from the rest of the world so she couldn't help but melt. They felt like the nights they spent at the fairgrounds as she explained to him different constellations. They felt like the incredible Italian dinners she would have at the Bosa's home. They felt like the drives they would take in her old beat up 1989 jeep wrangler that she practically rebuilt from the wheels up. They felt like the times she didn't feel all too great and Nick would come over with soup and read to her whatever book she was reading at the time. They felt like being in the library helping him with his math homework. They felt like being bundled up in fuzzy blankets as they watched Law & Order SVU, Arrow and Hannah Montana. They felt like her childhood.

    She walked into work feeling a bit more calm. When she walked through security she gave a warm hello to the guard. When she walked into the meeting room she was probably the only one who looked happy to be there causing the team leader to ask what was up. She said that she caught up with an old friend and the meeting ran on schedule from there. Blanca loved her job. Trying to push human technology to its limits, solving problems people thought were impossible and discovering the undiscovered. But it was definitely tough to be the only woman in the room. She constantly had her worth undermined and never seemed to be able to reap the benefits her male counterparts were able to.

    Before she even stepped foot on the Stanford campus she had already got a barge of non-believers telling her how "she only got in because she was a woman." She knew it wasn't true but that doesnt mean the words of others didn't hurt. In her classes she was often one of 3-5 women. It was hard, there were some nights she thought of giving up, leaving and never coming back but she didn't break. She just bent. When she got a summer internship the boss wouldn't talk to her because of her genitals. That was in 2018 and she was the only woman ever hired by that company.

    So many times after calling her older sister with acid rain dripping down her face her sister could only question why she was doing this to herself and she could only reply by saying. "I'm not going to let them win." It was plain and simple. So whenever a challenge came her way she could only think of when she would finally be able to raise her trophy above her head as the villains would cry and all the little girls in the crowd would have a mark of who they could be with a lot of hard work and tough skin.


hello lovelies i wanted to say that this chapter was inspired by my lovely, incredible cousin who is a woman in STEM and all experiences that Blanca had were ones that my cousin faced.

If you haven't all ready please drink some water and eat some food

if you need to hear it you are loved

and also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY and if you are up to it dont be afriad to vote and comment :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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