it's ok to cry

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Stef's: POV
It's been a rough few days after coming home from Savannah Georgia. The kids have been pitching in around the house, we appreciate everything they have been doing
Lena doesn't realize l know she cries at night when she thinks nones listening l just wish Lena would let me in
Her sister Christine called and said she's coming to California for a visit maybe seeing her with lift her spirits
I spoke with my mom and she said l need to give Lena time to grieve and keep talking to her. Half of the time
I'm not sure she's even listening to anything l'm saying
She goes to work at the clinic and comes home cooks dinner for all of us, when it comes our sex life she just lays there. Maybe it's to soon to engage into any sexual activity
I believe she's slipped into some kind of depression
Lena has all the classic symptoms. I remain patient as always, whatever demons she's struggling with
We can weather the storm together. Today at work
I had too arraignments to go to, one of the clients wants to take the pled deal. I'm trying to get him to reconsider his decision, we go before the judge in two weeks hopefully he'll thought over his options by now and my other client
Got sentence to six months for driving under the influence. This is her second time before judge Williams
It's out of my hands, l enter inside the house from a hard Day. Hello is anybody home l call out there's no response
I sit my briefcase down and head into the kitchen for a drink of water. I see Lena has dinner prepared early
There's a note on the refrigerator telling me she has taken the kids for their appointments at the dentist, l totally forgot Francesca's getting her braces put on. I throw my trash away and head upstairs and get out of my work attire. I recently purchased a whole new wardrobe that consist of pants suits and skirt sets, l never felt comfortable with wearing dresses growing up Lena loves seeing me in designer clothes. Some she picked out for me
I spent a total of twelve hundred dollars for thirty outfits
That's not including shoes, we always make sure all the bills are paid first before do any large purchases. Thanked God our insurance is covering Francesca's braces, Xander is under mine. I put on a pair of jeans and shirt over my curve body all in the right places, we get up every morning at 6 and run three miles. The workout room is upstairs on the third floor, we have the top of the line exercise equipment. I turned on the TV to find something interesting on, l look at the latest episode of SUV on the DVR. I try to be bed every night at 9:00 so I can get up on time for our morning runs, l heard somebody coming through the front door. I jumped off the bed and rushed down stairs, l see Xander coming in the house carrying grocery bags. Usually we have to tell him help hey mom
He says to me, hi son how did everything go at the orthodontist Stef asks her son. Francesca is a little cranky cause she can't eat anymore sweets, mommy was crying
He tells me. Please don't tell her I told you about it
We went to the supermarket and brought a bunch of food
She hasn't said anything since we left the store. Francesca
is coming inside Xander informs me, we never wanted our children to see us hurting. I go outside and see what's going on, Francesca is has a few packages in her hand
She kisses me on the cheek as she comes up the steps of the porch, Lena's face and eyes are red from crying
I don't want her feeling embarrassed about showing emotion. Hey baby how was your day Stef says to her wife
Xander told you I had a melt down in the store she said
Love it's okay to cry you have nothing to be ashamed of
Hell l cry sometimes when I lose a case in court. It doesn't make you weak, it just shows that your human so try not to beat yourself over it Stef tells Lena, l don't know why
I started in the first place. I know it's been hard on you mostly, cause we haven't been inmate these last few weeks
I think we should go out to dinner at a nice restaurant and spend some time together without the kids, shit we can't cause Christine is flying in on Saturday afternoon she wants to stay a week. She's booked a hotel room near the airport, there's no telling who's she's bringing with her
I don't want unexpected surprises. I already enough on my plate at the moment, l guest we can go out on Friday night instead Lena States. That will work what are you thinking Stef asks, what about that new restaurant that just opened in town. Lena Stated, l heard you need a reservation to get in there Stef questioned. I went ahead and got us a table, l called them on my lunch break at work, the owner is one of my patients mother Lena replied. It's a good thing you know people in high places
Stef responds, Lena gets out the vehicle. l carry the two cases of water inside our house. Maybe going out won't be so bad, it's been a while since we had our annual date night. We rarely leave the kids by themselves, Ariel the older girl who leaves twenty minutes away has watched Francesca and Xander in the past. Usually they go to their grandparents house and spend the weekend with them
I might call my mother and see if she has any plans
Dad and Xander always watch sports on the television while Francesca and mom go out shopping or something
They have their own rooms over there, l see Francesca was setting the table while Xander placing the silverware down. While Lena was over by the stove heating dinner
Up, have guys how would like to go grams and gramps house for the weekend Stef asks the kids. Cool l can show grampa this new game l learned how to play, what will you and mommy will be doing while over there Francesca
Inquired. Your mother and I are going out on a date Stef said, that sounds romantic. Mama make sure you get mommy some colored roses, Francesca States

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