The flight home

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Lena's: POV
Today was the day Nadia was getting released from the hospital. So we're waiting on the medical helicopter to arrive, Alex and janique flew back left over an hour ago
I don't feel comfortable letting Nadia leaving alone by herself. Dr. Michaels prescribed a mild sedative for Nadia to help her relax on the ride back to California, l spoke with Stef briefly and filled her in about what was going on
I hated being away this long from my wife and children
Whom I missed dealy but my sister needed me. Luckily l had an understanding wife, Christine had the nerve to call my phone to ask me to put some money on her book
After what Chris did to our baby sister l wasn't going to give that bitch a dime. I ended hanging up on her
I know that sounds cruel, some people might say l'm being unreasonable. Christine shot my sister that's something I wouldn't be able to forgive her for cause ever I think about it, l become anger all over again. I understand mother's reasons for naming me the beneficiary over her estate, Christine probably would have sold it and took the funds to go high with. I didn't know things were this bad
Christine had everything going for herself and fucked all up due to bad decisions, at least my nephew will be well taken care by his father. I looked over at Nadia who finally dose off to sleep, the doctor gave her 50 mill grams of Xanax. Hopefully she'll still asleep for a few hours until we land, Chris and I use to be so close growing up. I guess mother suspected she had a problem early on. Cause after I left home, l didn't call Christine for the first six months
Cause l felt embarrassed when mother called me all those horrible names in front of my sister's. I didn't shed a tear in front of them, but as soon as l landed in new York
Alex and Olivia picked me up from the airport, once I got to their house. They showed me to the guest room
I waited until everyone was asleep and cried like a baby
Alex must have heard me crying because she came into my bedroom and held me in her arms as I cried it took me four hours to stop sobbing, she ran me a nice hot bath
Alex gave me some privacy. I often wonder why mother couldn't accept my sexuality, maybe my grandmother treated her the same way as a teenager. I tried to be straight, but deep down inside l kept hearing this nagging voice in back of my mind telling me to be who you are and let nothing stand in my way, that night l felt a calmness come over me. The nurse came in their was a man and woman behind her, Ms. Foster Adams this is the aeromedical team who's here to escort you and your sister back to California. The woman says to me, thank you Yvonne Lena said. I watched them pick Nadia up and put her on the stretcher, strapped her safety l pulled my suitcase along side me. We headed down the hallway towards the elevators, taking it up to the roof where the helicopter waiting for us at. I stood aside watching them loading Nadia on the chopper, the whole thing took them
Twenty minutes to do. They helped me on the helicopter
I had to sit up front, the polit made sure everything was a go. Before taking off, he had me put on a head set so my ears wouldn't pop. My hands were folded in my lap

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