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❝ as i got closer

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as i got closer..

i noticed that there was blood surrounding dami. i noticed that there was bullet marks on his car too. "damiir, wake up, please." i started freaking out and trying to feel his heartbeat.

i ripped a piece of my dress and wrapped it around where i could tell he got shot. "do not leave me damiir, i will go fucking crazy." i started talking to myself.

as i was trying to help damiir i felt him getting lighter and lighter. he was still leaking blood and i didn't know what to do. "JAY. JAY HELP." i cried and yelled so he could hear me. i'm pretty sure other people heard that, but that wasnt what i was worried about.

"whats up?" he asked worriedly. he examined where i was and acknowledged how damiir was unconscious, at least i hope. "fuck.." he mumbled trying to lift up damiir. he ran to his car and immediately took dami to the hospital.

"what's going." darrian asked me running out with ethan and dd. i had blood on my dress and on my hands. "are you okay?" dd asked me, worried.

i nodded my head not even knowing the right choice of words to explain the situation. "dami was shot." i mumbled. darrian threw what was in his hand on the ground and yelled. i could tell he was pissed.

"come on yall." dd said as he got into my brother's car. "what are you doing?" ethan asked him. "i'm taking yall home, what the fuck else?" dd said in an upset tone. i got in the backseat and darrian sat beside me.
i found damiir's phone in the car.

ethan got in the front passenger beside dd. dd put his seatbelt on and started driving. he drive good to only have his permit. he better not get us fucking pulled over, too much legal trouble.


"thank you for taking me home dd." i mumbled to him. he gave me a tight hug, and then let go. this just too much to take in. we all were cooped up in the apartment trying to process the situation.

we all were trying to get in contact with jay. i heard a notification go off on damiir's phone and it was from an unknown number.

Scam Likely
caught ya btc ass lackin 🤣🤣

my heart dropped. i clicked on the notification to get the phone number. once i found it i sent it to jay, dotty, and darrian. shortly after that a notification on my phone went off.

Scam Likely
ya bros ded nd u next

my heart dropped as i read the text. "what the fuck do i do." i whispered to myself. dd hovered over my phone and read what it said.

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