The practical exam

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The students were aloud to wear whatever during the practical exam, as long as they were able to move well with the clothing.

Toshinori and Adawa both chose T-shirts and sweatpants to wear during the exam. No one was going to judge them on what they wore anyway, everyone would be to anxious.

"It's finally happening!" Hatsu said excitedly to Adawa.
"Yep..." Adawa didn't say anything else she was way to nervous.

Toshinori, Adawa, Hatsu, Yogan, and Kori all made their way to the start. Toshinori took the time to scan the crowd and the possible candidates that might be a challenge to beat.

Hatsu definitely would be hard to beat, Toshinori wasn't sure about Yogan and Kori. He saw some other kids that might be challenging, a girl with wings, some guys was using this charger like thing on his ears to conduct electricity. Another guy was turning his hand into acid. He saw Adawa making small bubbles come off her hands. A thing that happened when she got nervous.

Then he saw the girl Adawa bumped into on the street.
"Hey look." Toshinori whispered to her.
"Oh it's her!" Adawa said, "Wonder if she'll make it."
"Maybe... who knows at this point, some people look like they have pretty cool quirks."
"Ya, did you see the girl with a bunch of arms, the all looked like the had mouths on them."
"Cool, this might be harder than we thought..."
"Ya..." Adawa could see the worry on Toshinori's face. "Hey, your gonna be fine.. to be honest, you have a better chance at getting in than me." Adawa said.
"What! No way."
"Yes way! Your quirk is perfect for this test! All you have to do is touch the ground!"
"It's not that simple! I can only touch the robots, if not everyone else will die!"
"Well... still." Adawa whispered.
"Hey dimwits! We're here." Hatsu said annoyed.
Everyone was crowded around the start. And most people were trying to push their way to the front.
"EVERYONE READY!!!!" Present Mic yelled.
Everyone was silent.
"Alright then on the count of three! 1,2,3!!!!"
No one moved.
"Hey I said three!!! The timer started!"
Chaos erupted, everyone started moving at once.
Bots seemed to be coming out from every angle, Toshinori dodged its shot, and he jumped on top of it. He then put all his fingers to it. The bot crumbled to dust.

Toshinori saw Adawa touch to bots, encasing them in bubbles, she floated them up to almost the height of the buildings, and touched her fingers together. The bots fell and broke apart.

"That's 6 points." He heard her count.
"Shit!" He thought, "I better hurry."
Toshinori started touching bots left and right.
"7, 10, 11..." Toshinori kept adding points in his head.

A giant boom the shock the city.
Everyone paused, then there was another boom.
"LOOK OUT!!!" Toshinori heard someone scream.
He looked up to see a giant bot staring down at everyone. People started running in every direction, there was a lot of screaming.
Toshinori tried running the opposite way, there was no way he could crumble that entire thing.
A brigade of feathers shot past him.
It was the wing girl, she was trying to break into the bot using her feathers.
He saw Adawa running towards it.
He tried to help her, he wanted to help her beat that thing.
But his legs wouldn't move, he was frozen.
Then some other girl pushed him out of the way of some falling debris.
"You have to move!" She yelled.
"My sister went to fight that thing!" He yelled back.
Meanwhile Adawa was dodging past people running the other way.
"Have to defeat this thing, or it'll kill us all! I have to get into U.A! I have to!"
She then saw that girl she bumped into on the street.
"Hey!" Adawa yelled.
The girl saw her, "Hey! We got to beat this thing!"
"I know!!! I have to get close to this thing! Then I can drop it from way high up!"
The girl nodded. She joined Adawa in the list of crazy people running toward the thing.
The thing was pretty slow, but Adawa wasn't sure if she was gonna get close enough to touch it. A giant wall of ice shoved against the bot!
"Touch it!" Screamed Kori.
Adawa nodded and leaped toward the thing.
She just barely touched it with her middle finger, and a giant pink bubble encased the whole thing.
"Alright bitch! Float!" Adawa thought.
The thing was slowly lifted higher and higher.
"Come on!" Adawa screamed
She had put all her strength into this, but it still wasn't high enough.
"Let it go!" She heard the girl scream.
"It's not high enough, besides you'll be crushed!!! Your right under it." Adawa yelled
"Do you trust me!" The girl yelled back.
Adawa stared at her.
She then touched all her fingers together.

Toshinori yelled as the thing fell, he ran to his sister.
The thing started crumbling.
"W-what!" He said.
The dust cleared.
Adawa and Toshinori saw the girl standing directly under where the robot should've been after it fell.

"Toshi did- did you do that?!" Adawa asked
"No I didn't-"
"TIMES UP!!!!" Present Mic yelled over the loudspeaker.

Geez this entire chapter was 881 words! Anyway thanks for reading.

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