The Hero Commission

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Toshinori, his mother, and his father were all driving to U.A.
"Listen to whatever Nezu has to say about you, but don't lash out please." His father said.
"Fine..." Toshinori grumbled.

When they finally got to U.A a lot of teachers stared at them.
"Problem children?!" A voice said.
"Mr. Aizawa!" His mother yelled.
"It's good to see you Ochaco. And you... Izuku..."
His father gulped.
"Hello Mr. Aizawa. It's good to-"
"Don't be like that with me! What happened to not destroying your limbs while fighting villains!" The teacher yelled.
"I didn't mean to! It's just... my quirk has been a little off lately..."
The teachers eyes widened.
"Oh right... you told me about that, but you still must be careful. It has been hard ever since All Might..."
"I know... I know."
Toshinori's mother broke the silence.
"It was really good to see you Sensei. How's  Mic and Oboro?"
"Oh Mic's annoying as always. Oboro just started here, taking Midnights place..."
"That's great! I'm glad to know he's recovered well, although I wish Mrs. Midnight we're here to see it too..." Toshinori's father said.
"Yes... and I remember Toshinori, last time I saw him he banged his head on the fireplace."
Toshinori blushed in embarrassment.
"How's Katsuki? And his sister?"
"Their great! Adawa got in!" His mother said.
"Good! And I'm assuming Toshinori got in as well?"
"Uh... not exactly..." Toshinori said.
"We'll explain later, we all have a meeting with Nezu." His father said.
"Alright, tell the Todoroki's to check in more!" Aizawa said.
"Of course, hope to see you soon Mr. Aizawa!" His mother said.
"Remember to be careful problem child!" He yelled as they walked away.
Toshinori's father blushed.
"Why does he call you guys that?" Toshinori asked.
"Long story... for another day." His father said
Toshinori nodded.

As they waited in front of principal Nezu's office, Toshinori examed the pictures on the wall.
Lots of them were of three different random students, one of them had his father, Hatsu's father, and his Godfather Shoto.
"What's the big three?" Toshinori asked his parents.
"Those are three top senior students of their grade." His mother explained.
"Ah yes, me, Kacchan, and Todoroki we're the three in our year." His father said.
There was a knock at the door, and the sound of it opening.
It was the girl from the entrance exam, who decayed the robot. Two men where behind her.
Toshinori saw his father immediately stand up.
The girl scowled.
"What are you doing here?" She asked Toshinori.
"What are you doing here?" Toshinori repeated.
"Hello Tenko." His father said.
"Oh, I didn't think the number 1 hero was going to be here." The man with black hair and red eyes said.
"Are people still really that scared of us that they had to send the #1 and #5 hero here for security?" The lizard looking guy mumbled.
"I'm here because of my son." Toshinori's father answered calmly.
"Sure you are..." the lizard guy said.
"Shuichi, zip it." The other man mumbled.
"So why are you here Shigaraki?" Izuku asked.
Toshinori gasped.
Toshinori stared at the black haired man.
That was shigaraki? He didn't look anything like the pictures online.
"I'm also here for my daughter, Gensui."
"So that's her name..." Toshinori thought.
The door to Nezu's office opened.
"Great! You both are here." A small mouse man said.
"Hello Nezu." Toshinori's mother said.

In the office there was one other man, he brown hair, red eyes (much like shigaraki's) and glasses.
"Hello Gensui Shigaraki and Toshinori Midoriya." The man.
He shook both of their hands.
"I'm Hensa Kusuta. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."
He glanced at Shigaraki and the lizard guy, Toshinori swore he saw the man scowl.
"Yes, this is Hensa Kusuta, he is the new head of the hero commission. After the old leader was brutally assassinated." Nezu explained.
"Ah yes, I heard about that on the news..." Shigaraki said.
"Yes, I am!" Hensa said.
"Doesn't Pro hero Hawks work the hero commission?" Toshinori asked.
"Haven't heard from him in a while." Toshinori's mother said.
The mention of Hawks name, Shigaraki's face darkened.
"Ah yes... sadly he retired, that's why we're recruiting new members." Hensa said.
"Yes," Nezu said, "you see, Hensa really wanted some new, young, people working for the commission, he was wondering if he could recruit some students from our entrance exam."
"You two really caught my eye with your quirks. Really good potential." Hensa said.
"Oh really!" Toshinori said, "I didn't realize my quirk had that much potential..."
"Oh it definitely does!" Hensa smiled.
"Won't our quirks be to destructive... isn't that why we didn't get into U.A in the first place." Gensui said.
"Well, yes... a lot teachers had complaints about you two... and if your quirks were to get out of hand..."
"Which teachers?" Toshinori's father said angrily.
"Not Aizawa, Mic, or most of your childhood teachers." Nezu assured.
"I can't believe people would still think these things." Toshinori's mother mumbled.
"Yes... some people are still bent on the old ways." Nezu said.
"That's why I want to help!" Hensa said, "if you two agree to train under the commission, you can both become heroes, and once people see that people can become heroes with quirks like yours, the old ways will be obliterated!"
"Wait so... we can still become heroes, but not at U.A?" Toshinori asked.
"I'm afraid not... I'm sorry Toshinori and Gensui but, it's either going with the commission and becoming heroes, or nothing." Nezu said.
Toshinori turned to see that Shigaraki had spoke.
"Gensui isn't going with you commission fucks." Shigaraki said.
"What! Dad-" Gensui started.
"No Gensui. Hawks was trained by commission, and Hawks killed Twice.... I don't want them training you to be a backstabbing murderer too."
"If I may, the commission has completely changed since then ever since I took charge!" Hensa exclaimed.
"Oh really, what about Dab-" Shigaraki started.
"That was something that won't happen again." Hensa said.
"Dad please!"
"Please! I thought you wanted me to not end up like you! If I become a hero I can change things for us!" Gensui pleaded.
"Not under these bastards!" Shigaraki yelled.
"I swear your so-"
"AHEM!" Toshinori cleared his throat.
Everyone turned to look at him.
"Uhh, Mr...."
"Just call me Tenko." Shigaraki said.
"Ok... Tenko, I know it's probably hard... this Twice guy must have been a very good person to you..."
"He was..." the lizard guy said.
"But... things change... organizations change... people change... I think you should give the commission a chance... this Hawks guy retired... he's not there anymore.... Gensui doesn't seem like she would turn out anything like him."
The room was silent.
"Well said kid." The lizard guy said.
"Uh... thanks Mr..."
"Shuichi... but you can call me Spinner."
"Uh... ok."
"Dad... please." Gensui pleaded.
The entire room was silent.
"Fine." Tenko said, "But if I hear anything about the commission killing off people, she's out of there."
"Oh don't worry, you won't." Hensa said, "and what about you Toshinori?"
"I do! I've always wanted to be a hero!" Toshinori said.
"Toshi? Are you sure you want this." His mother said.
"I do, please mom."
"He can do it." His father said to Hensa.

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