Chapter 6: Santa Tell Me

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Chapter 6: Santa Tell Me

Titania had left, which wasn't surprising.

The upsetting discovery was that Santa was packing up for the night.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Running ahead of Melody, Jon urgently tapped an elf. The elf turned, very disgruntled. Apparently, he'd had it up to here taking a zillion pictures and sticking babies on Santa's lap.

"Sorry, I know we're late – my name is Jon." He pointed to the Marine Corps insignia on his jacket. "I helped with the Toys for Tots drive. I saw the Santa Clause advertisement when we were collecting, and my commanding officer said we could bring younger siblings to meet Santa free of – "

Clank. The elf swung a bell into a chalkboard sign.

Jon read aloud. "Santa will be back tomorrow, December twenty forth from 4PM to 6PM before heading to the North Pole  --- "

He shook his head as Melody joined them. "Okay, but we have a Christmas Party tomorrow and there won't be enough time – "

Clank. Clank. The elf whacked the sign again, this time making faces. Too bad. So sad. Merry Christmas.

Jon could almost feel Melody's mood collapsing. And he didn't blame her. This elf was being a jerk.

Jon glowered. He released the marine. Just a little.

"You can't make an exception? Really?"

Clank. The elf shook his head. Nope.

Jon stepped before the sign. "Does it matter that I don't mind making the naughty list, elf?"

The elf raised his dukes. Normally, someone of Jon's stature would have scared him silly, however, this elf had been sneaking eggnog from a flask all afternoon, and was feeling disproportionally confident. 

Shouldering the bell like a baseball bat, the elf looked Jon in the eye and –

"Dingle," said a warm, dark chocolatey voice. "Is there problem?"

Clank! Dingle the Elf dropped his bell and scuttled behind the most kick-ass Santa Clause anyone had ever seen. Everything about this Santa was immense: from the beard, to the Russian accent, to the biceps, to the smile lifting his cherry red cheeks.

"Ahhhhhh, could it be?" The Santa lowered, his voice practically dancing. "Miss Melody Eridani Hawkins? Yes?"

Jon lifted a brow. Wow. Full name? How did he know that? He scanned the ceiling for cameras equipped with facial recognition technology, but there was nothing

Jon frowned. Okay. Weird. Maybe someone told them they were coming? Titania? Grandfather Triton?

Melody didn't blink twice.

"Santa!" She dove into his arms. "I knew you were real! I knew it!"

The Santa laughed.  Christmas lights exchanged colors with every ho ho ho.

"Of course, Santa is real! Jon told you so, yes?" Sweeping aside his black-trimmed red coat, the Santa set Melody on his knee. "Now Melody, before you tell me what you want for Christmas, I should warn are on Naughty List."

Jon made a disbelieving noise. The elf, peering behind Santa's boot, stuck out his tongue. But the Santa didn't seem to be scolding Melody. He actually seemed...sad.

"Is true. And I think you know why." The Santa brushed Melody's bangs. "You will try to stop for Santa next year. Yes?"

Melody's eyes became glassy. "I'm sorry ...I just...does that mean no presents?"

The elf nodded, but the Santa chuckled.

"No. Naughty List and Nice List  are more guidelines for Santa. You may behave naughty sometimes but in your center..." He knuckled her chest. "You are nice. So, Melody—"

Very officially, he put a hand on his hip. "What do you want for Christmas?"

Melody took a deep breath.

"I want my mom and dad."

Jon felt like he'd been stabbed with an ice pick. 

But the Santa rumbled pensively.

"Hmmmmm." He stroked his beard. "I wonder."

Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a snow globe. It was relatively unadorned, aside from a gold base, but there was something mysterious about the snowflakes swirling inside.

"This is not ordinary snow globe." The Santa handed the orb to Melody. She almost dropped it. It was heavy. "This is magical tool Santa uses to travel the world. Santa tells snow globe where he wants to go, or who he wants to see. Then he throws!"

The Santa threw an imaginary pitch.

"A magical portal will open! Santa jumps through! And travels anywhere in Fantasia!" He traced the snow globe, then tapped Melody's nose. "So...give a shake."

Melody looked like she was holding a shooting star. 

"You mean...I can see my mom and dad? And go to them?"

The Santa peered intently at the globe between her hands. "Is worth try."

Eyes closed, Melody shook the orb.

"Please." she wished, "Bring me to my mom and dad."

The snow globe twinkled. The contents swirled so violently the orb nearly burst. Both Jon and Melody leaned, their breaths held. There was a blinding flash, and then –

The snowflakes settled. The snow globe became black.

"Black. Like Black Hole...." The Santa took the snow globe. He seemed just as disappointed as Melody, but tucked the globe securely in his pocket. "I am sorry Melody. But Black Hole is one place you cannot go. Nobody can. Only your parents, still in space. But!"

He pressed her sternum. "You must believe in your parents! And if you believe – like you believed in Santa – they will come back. That is promise. And in meantime..."

He pulled a shimmering bottle from his sleeve. It was labeled Unicorn Snot.

"Here is holographic glitter for hair. Will look nice with colored chalks."

Melody was downhearted, but the hair glitter certainly indemnified her loss. Burying a kiss in the Santa's beard, she bade him a Merry Christmas.

Jon shook the Santa's massive hand.  

"I appreciate you staying late." Glancing tartly at the elf, he nodded at Melody. "Meeting you meant a lot to her. And she'll love the hair glitter. Thank you, Santa."

The Santa's grip tightened. He studied Jon with wintry blue eyes.

"You may call me North. I have heard of you, young man. Your story is known to few others only, but your bravery has not gone unnoticed.  Like me, you are protector. You carried three children from outer space and through Fantasian Sea. And now, you protect little sister with all your heart. But..."

The Santa – North – pulled Jon close.

"Do not forget your center. Do not throw away who you could be, young Hawkins."

Jon glimpsed the snow globe, still a black hole in North's pocket.

Angrily, he thought of his father.

"Merry Christmas." he muttered, jerking his hand free. 

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