Chapter 21: Auld Lang Syne

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Chapter 21: Auld Lang Syne

High above, deep within the Black Hole, the Fantasian guardians were trapped in Wendy's memory. Far below, in Fantasia, Jak and Melody were trapped in troubled times.

But what about the mysterious astronaut?

Well, once Jak escaped, she got straight to business. Wasting no time with Oogie Boogie's dramatics, she scooped her orb from the dirt, and stepped backwards through the portal.

Calmly free-falling, she fingered the orb and executed an impossibly complex deactivation sequence. The orb's golden shell clicked into place; the green triangle extinguished; the magical wormhole disappeared; and she continued to fall.

And fall.

And fall.

And fall...

Alarms went off in her helmet, mostly altitude alerts and collision warnings. She tried to look over her shoulder at the ocean, but with the windspeed it was impossible: her neck snapped back to midline.

Calculating her time of impact based off velocity and air-drag (you know, as one casually does while plummeting), she grit her teeth and whispered, "Come on...come on..."

She fell faster. The ocean was leveling into a death bed. 

The astronaut squeezed her orb as the wind screamed around her –


Two arms swooped around her shoulders and under her knees. It was an abrupt, inelegant rescue, but her savior jockeyed them to safety. He flew her to the edge of the Black Hole, where they settled on a swing of celestial thread.

"Sorry about that, Doc. My timing was off." Her savior's sunny blue eyes crinkled into his red-hot curly Qs. "Speaking of time, which time was this?"

The astronaut rebooted her helmet's tech systems. Trying not to sound shaken, she slipped the orb into her pocket.

"This was the time Jak met Oogie Boogie."

"Right buuut, not the Oogie Boogie one with us?"

"Not yet. This was the time Jak saved those kids."

"Oh lovely. So he's a superhero now, yes?"

  "He's famous, if that's what you mean."

"Um he's going to get a Gatorade commercial because of the rescue, right?"

"He will, yeah."

"Well there you have it. When TV makes your sweat look green, you're a superhero."

"Hm." The astronaut was a little mirthful. "I guess you're right."

They rocked gently on the celestial thread. Fantasia's atmosphere was tinted purple by the magical realms, and the two space travelers looked like children dipping their toes into a mystical pool.

The astronaut's emotions were concealed by her golden visor, but her companion could tell she was sad.  

"Well!" He made overly cheerfully karate movements. "I'm bored! And we gotta get going anyway! Let's find Silver and go on an adventure! What d'you say, Doc? Until next time?"

He grinned widely and although no one couldn't see, she grinned back. He was so goofy; with his cowboy-ninja mannerisms, never ending smile, and deep British laugh. Plus, there was that white button-up he loved to wear – the one imprinted with a treasure-map graphic. 

Such a goofball. He could capsize any bad mood.

"Okay Pleaides." She cast a final, wistful look at Fantasia. "Until next time."

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sultal's note:

I have LOVED digging into Jak's character. I have LOVED working with Melody, Nessie, Loch, Smigvard, Jack, Sally, and our two Easter Egg Characters (who will return in Keeping Fantasia).

I HOPE that anyone who hurts themself to mute the pain inside, please know that is NOT shameful. But you should not have to fight alone. Please REACH OUT because you are so valuable, and there are people who can and want help you realize your worth.

I have LOVED writing this little story.

I guess what I'm trying to say is:



keep writing --

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