Chapter 18: I Saw Three Ships

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Chapter 18: I Saw Three Ships

 The FFCCGC Tentacle chopped through the Northern Fantasian Sea, searching for Sinbad's sunken ship. The vessel battled for hours, but the storm proved too ruthless an opponent. As Captain Eric prepared to declare Jon dead, something caught Sinbad's eye.

"Triton – " Sinbad crossed the bridge. Unlike his ship, the Tentacle was piloted from an enclosed command center called the navigation bridge. Ship maneuvers were influenced by GPS and sonar rather than intuition, and the sailors were protected by panoramic windows.

Sinbad pressed against the glass.

"Look." he pointed. "Up there."

They peered through the storm. Murky waves twisted into the murky sky as lighting shot horizontally into the Black Hole.

Amidst the molten flashes, three neon streaks arranged into a massive green triangle. The triangle seared holes in atmosphere, then peeled opened like door.

Admiral Triton joined Sinbad at observation window.

"What the devil?" he murmured.

 "Hard left rudder." Eric ordered the helmsman. "Avoid the triangle, it's an unidentified phenomena. Evasive action, steer away – "

 "Wait, someone jumped out!" Sinbad leaned into the panel. "And another – and – and – oh my god."

He seized Eric's binoculars. Yanking the strap (and minutely enjoying Eric's gag), Sinbad focused the lenses.

"Kids..." he said. "There are kids up there! And --- oh my god – oh my god it's Jon – "

He threw the binoculars.

"Steady on course!" He shouted, slapping the helmsman and darting for the exit hatch. "And don't listen to Captain Dweeb Face when he tells you to turn the ship around! Whatever you do – stay on course!"

"How dare – " Eric spluttered furiously as Sinbad disappeared. "Helmsman! You heard my command! Hard left rudder, initiate evasive action – "

 "Do as Captain Sinbad says!" Admiral Triton barked, following Sinbad. "Stay steady on course! Petty Officer Sebastian, set the MOB alarm and deploy rescue team now! Casualties will be unconscious when they hit the water if they survive. With purpose men – move!"

 The ship lurched as Sinbad and Admiral Trion joined the special operations rescue team on the forecastle deck. Waves knocked Sinbad off his feet, but Admiral Triton cut through the mire. Waves sliding across his ankles, he raised binoculars to the sky.

Sinbad saw him tense. He knew exactly what Admiral Triton was thinking: The children would never survive the fall. From that altitude, the water would hit them like a rock.

Sinbad suddenly remembered the snow globe.

"The portal! Triton the portal!" He ripped North's snow globe from his pocket. "Triton – if we activate the portal beneath them – "

"To where, another ocean?" Admiral Triton removed his binoculars. His cap and jacket followed. "The impact will still be too lethal!"

"But we have to try something – what are you doing?!"

Admiral Triton dropped his belongings. Sprinting from Sinbad, he dove into the ocean.

"Athena - Ariel - stir the sea." he prayed, invoking ancient mer power as the waves dragged him under.

Jon fell helplessly from the triangular portal

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Jon fell helplessly from the triangular portal. He contorted flimsily as air pried his eyes open, forcing him to look at the ocean. His breaths became erratic. There was nothing he could do but watch the water rush at him before the collision.

Suddenly, the waves bubbled. The white caps turned gold, then erupted like a turquoise volcano. The ocean twisted into a giant female figure, who, from above, looked like a sea goddess. She swirled into the storm, aiming a trident at the children. Water burst from the teeth, catching them in a current.

The current rumbled upward then downward, matching the children's speed, then slowing their descent. As they crashed into the ocean, the spirit sunk with them. She melted into a vortex which absorbed the shock of their impact.

As the vortex decelerated, Jon kicked free. Spotting Nessie, he hooked her armpit and swam to the surface. As they gasped for air, Jon flipped onto his back, holding Nessie against him.

The water spirit was gone, but Admiral Triton was treading nearby, assisting Smigvard and Loch.

They made eye contact.

Admiral Triton smiled. "Well done, private."

Jon secured Nessie against him.

"Aye, Sir." he replied, glimpsing the rescue team beyond the waves. Sinbad was leading the crew, snow globe in hand.

Jon paddled for the boats, pulling Nessie to safety.

"Let's get you home for the holidays."

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