Chapter 12: Astronaut in the Ocean

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Chapter 12: Astronaut in the Ocean

  "So that's how you got here."

The Princess pitched. Sinbad took the snow globe from Jon, his elbow stabilized against the cabin.

"But if you asked for the Crawloween Circus..." he examined the glass. "Why did it transport you here?"

Jon swerved, rifle cradled in his arms. The ship was shaking like a baby rattle.

"My grandmother said you were sent on a mission for the king. That's why we've never met. Did the king order you here to hunt Oogie Boogie?"

Sinbad half laughed. "Well I wouldn't say he ordered me. Little squirt needed a favor and I decided to help him out. I'm an independent contractor. Those are actually my two favorite words: independent contractor."

Jon didn't entertain the distinction. By now, his quest seemed a fool's errand and his only hope was that Sinbad was also on Oogie Boogie's trail.

"Are you here because of Oogie Boogie?" he repeated.

"No," Sinbad jabbed the snow globe. "Didn't you see the Black Hole out there? We're stationed in case your dad – or something else – falls out. That's why I mistook you for him. From our vantage point, it looked like you came from the Black Hole. Doesn't help that you also look exactly like – "

"This doesn't make sense!" Thunder clapped, echoing Jon's frustration. "There must be a reason I was brought here! The snow globe couldn't have made a mistake.  Oogie Boogie must have some connection to this place – "

  "Kid, we are in the middle of a frozen ocean about to get our butts kicked by a black hole." Sinbad smacked the snow globe, "Unless Oogie Boogie is snorkeling port-side, I don't see how this hinky dink could have possibly – "

The ship tipped, cartwheeling onto its side with a deafening smack.  Water rushed into the cabin, ripping Jon and Sinbad off their feet. The ocean reached deep inside the ship, battering anything in its path.

"We're taking on water – damn it! Jon, we've got to get you out of – "

Sinbad yelled but Jon couldn't hear. Another wave bore into the cabin, tossing them sideways as they clamored up deck. Above, the waves were beyond monstrous. The Princess screamed as her hull bent and mast splintered.

Jon clutched the cabin entryway, feet slipping with every blow. As he struggled to maintain purchase, Vlad shouted in Sinbad's ear.

"We're done for, Captain! She won't hold!"

"Prepare to abandon ship!" Sinbad shook the snow globe. His voice dropped as he willed his vessel to survive. "Cut all life lines! Get everyone over here! We're heading back to Fantasia through this magical – "

"Aren't you going down with the ship?!" Miguel called.

"Are you crazy?!" Sinbad gathered his crew. "Do I look like an honorable pirate?! A ship is a ship, she can be rebuilt! But death is death and I gotta wife at home--"

He beckoned to Jon. "And grandkids! Okay everyone on the count of three!"

Sinbad held the snow glob aloft "Snow globe, take us to Pirate's Point! One – two – "

The portal appeared, spinning like a rainbow top. Tendrils pulled the crew into the space-time warp, but just as Sinbad reached for his grandson, something bizarre happened. 

An astronaut – yes an astronaut – appeared from absolutely nowhere

Jon saw his reflection in the astronaut's golden solar shield, but his astonishment turned to panic as she slapped a palm to his chest.

"Say this is Halloween." the astronaut said, shoving Jon backwards into the cabin.

Now reader, believe me when I say, our mysterious astronaut's timing was perfect. As Jon crashed down the cabin stairs, another wave struck, trapping him inside.

Unmanned by the crew, The Princess capsized. She sunk into darkness, dragging Jon into a watery grave.

Jon clawed mindlessly until he couldn't remember his name. There was no escape. Brain dimming, he did the only thing he could think of:

He mouthed This is Halloween, as water clogged his lungs.

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sultal's note:

Yes this is confusing on purpose, because:

1. The Snow Globe brought Jon to The Princess. This will be explained in KF. For now, trust me and just enjoy the magic ;)

2. The mysterious astronaut is a HUGE Keeping Fantasia easter-egg. We will meet her again by the end of this story.

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