Chapter 10: Jingle Hell

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Chapter 10: Jingle Hell

  Melody led her cousins up stairs, two at a time. She savored the feeling of her hair sparkling like a veil down her back.

She smiled to herself: her cousins must be so pumped to have hair like this!

With a vain little hair flip, she welcomed the Triton girls into her bedroom.

  "Make yourself comfy!" Melody spoke over Bluetooth speakers. She'd forgotten to mute her Spotify app, and Powerline radio 'rocking around the Christmas Tree,' so to speak.

"Oops let me kill the volume. Or hey – let me put on Powerline's Christmas album, it's super cool. Give me one sec, then we'll do the Unicorn Snot – it's in my bathroom – "

  "No worries!" Marilla and Marella prepped their phones. "We want to before-after videos anyway! We'll meet you in there, okay?"

"Okie dokie!" Melody scrolled through her playlists, searching for Powerline Christmas. It took a solid minute – she was a music hoarder.

  Orca and Hydra glanced into the bathroom.

Deftly, Orca shut the bedroom door.

  "Where'd your brother go?" she asked. 

  Melody shrugged.

"Dunno. He was super mad though. He never gets like that, but when he does boy-howdy watch out! He probably went to go punch stuff or lift heavy weights or something. That's how he calms down."

Hydra made a steamy noise. "He's so hot."

"Too bad he's not actually a Triton." Orca smirked, still monitoring the bathroom. "I'd bang him hard."

  Melody grimaced.

"No offense or anything, but that's gross." She clicked Powerline's Christmas album. The retro-pop magnified her good mood.

"Jon is your cousin – that's incest, right? Plus, you wouldn't like hanging out with him. He's super grumpy most of the time, especially around people. That why I think he likes Titania – she's wicked grouchy, just like him.  Okay I'm three hundred percent ready!"

She twirled a pretend lasso. "Let's do hair!"

Melody trotted into the bathroom.

She was instantly confused.

Marilla, Marella, Laguna, and Aqua were waiting by the bathtub, phones raised. The tub was almost full, and the shower was running.

"Ummm...." Melody pointed to the Unicorn Snot, perched on the bathroom sink. "You don't need to wash your hair or anything. It's supposed to go on dry. You –"

Hydra and Orca pressed behind her. Both seized fistfuls of hair.

"Guys?" Instinctively, Melody grabbed their wrists. She panicked as the Triton girls advanced with their phones, clearly recording. "What's going on? What are you – "

"Didn't our mother tell you there was a dress code?" Hydra jostled her toward the bathtub. "You were supposed to wear a sparkly dress – not sparkly hair."

Marilla leveled her phone with Melody's face. "She's a retard, she didn't understand."

"Nooooo, that's not it!" Laguna cooed. "She's just into that YOLO life, right? Live, laugh, love!"

"Stop it!" Melody's knees hit the bathtub. She kicked the edge, heart throbbing. "Why are you doing this? What did I do? Cut it out, what did I do?!"

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