Chapter 9: Fight Christmas

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Chapter 9: Fight Christmas


Admiral Triton steered his grandson from the kitchenette. "What is the meaning of this? Eavesdropping? Have you lost your senses – "

Jon twisted from Admiral Triton's grip.

 "I was at the mall yesterday – " Earnestly, he confronted the desolate parents. "My sister wanted to see Santa Clause. He had this magical snow globe – he said it can take him anywhere in Fanta—"

"This meeting --" Admiral Triton reached across his grandson's chest. "Does not concern you. This is a matter of national security – "

 "But I'm a marine!" Jon wrenched free. From the corner of his eye, he saw Titania peeking through the doorway. "Three children have been kidnapped and no one can find them!  Not Merlin! Not the military! Not the knights! The implications of a dead end are in the name itself! But I can help!"

Admiral Triton interjected but Jon spoke over him.

 "You said the children are in a magical place that cannot be found!" He pointed to Merida. "So why not use a magical portal? The Santa at the mall – his name was North – he had a magical snow globe. He said it can take him anywhere in Fantasia. If we steal it, we can use it to find Oogie Boogie's Circus – "

 "Jon!" Admiral Triton barked. "That is enough! Not another word – that is an order, young man!"

"But they have kids!" Jon felt his temper unraveling. "And they want them back! They're asking for help, why can't you – "

 "I said not another word!"

"But I've seen the snow globe – it works!" Jon flung an arm. "I can help them find Oogie Boogie! I can help save their children from – "

  "Jon, so help me!"

"But – "

"I've lost a daughter! I won't lose you!"

"But – "

"Jarhead! Stop arguing! " Titania hovered uneasily in the doorway. "You heard him. Just shut up."

Adrenalin burned in Jon's chest. The vengeful side he'd always associated with his father crawled under his skin.

"You're going to kill them." he said. "Those children are as good as dead if you won't let me – "

"For the last time!" Admiral Triton seized his grandson. "I said NO! This is not your fight! This is none of your concern and that is an order! Do I make myself clear, Jim?"

Jon caught his breath.

Jim. He called him Jim.

The slip was a knife to the gut. Ears roaring, Jon left his grandfather. Admiral Triton called after him, recanting the statement, but the damage was done. Jon broadsided guests at the party, blindly rushing for his bedroom.

Melody suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Jon – I need you super mega bad – can we – "

He growled. "Not now Mel."

"But – "

"Melody, I'm sorry." He shook free. "Not now."

Melody lingered by the Christmas tree. As Jon disappeared, six girls slunk around the aluminum boughs.

These girls were Melody's cousins, the daughters of Arista and Eric. As was common in the Triton family, Arista had three sets of twins, all them girls.

Smothering giggles, the Tritons surrounded Melody and immediately began stroking her hair.

"Hey girlie! Oh my god – your hair is so glittery!" Aqua, the oldest, gave a little tug. "It's very per-tee-ful. Marilla? Marella? Don't you think so?"

Marella and Marilla nodded. They were Melody's age.

"I'd love to color my hair like that." Wistfully, Orca raised her phone. "You look like a shooting star. Is it permanent?"

Melody shook her head. "No."

"Oh too bad. Can I take a picture?"

"Sure." Melody forced herself to forget about Jon. He rarely got mad, and it agitated her when he was stressed.

Maybe her cousins could cheer her up.

"If you want," Melody offered. "I could spray your hair right now. I have tons extra Unicorn Snot in my room. That's what the hair glitter is called. Santa gave it to me."

"Oh really -- Santa?" Hydra (Orca's twin) suppressed a laugh. "Then it must truly be magical. Okay, lead the way. Salon time!"

"Cool!" Melody clapped. "We can all be twins – haha, joke! Get it cause you're all twins? Anyway --this way, it's in my room!"

Aqua winked at her twin. Laguna winked back. Together, the Triton sisters trailed Melody like sharks.

"Lead the way....dearie."

Melody's room was upstairs, but Jon's was sea level.

Following the altercation with Admiral Triton, he stormed into his bedroom and seized his combat gear: cammies, boots, helmet, modular tactical vest, bulletproof inserts. He strapped an M6 bayonet to his leg, clipped a spy cam to his chest, and slung his precious M27 automatic rifle over his shoulder. 

Once he was battledress ready, Jon left. He followed the proverbial war path to Fantasia's Super assault Santa Clause.

Merida and Robin were waiting for him.

"If what you say is true, young Hawkins..." Robin hefted his quiver. His magical, golden arrow glinted amongst the carbon fiber nocks. "You're going to need our help. North is an Otherworld guardian. And he won't surrender his snow globe without a fight."

"Aye." Merida indicated the rising moon. "Especially this close to Christmas. You'll be on the naughty list forever, Jon Hawkins."

"And dishonorably discharged from the military if we get caught." Robin grasped his shoulder. "Are you sure you want to risk that, son?"

Jon paused. Dishonorable discharge? There was no going back from that. That was only a shade lighter than betrayal. He'd be a social outcast. A his father.

Snowflakes started to fall. Robin had called him son, an endearment he should be using with his own child.

Jon's military allegiance withered. Hiking his M27, he surrendering to his father's rebellious ways.

"Fuck the military. Let's go kick some Christmas ass."

Merida and Robin grinned.

"Just like Jim." Merida said reminiscently. She followed Jon into the mall. "Just like him."

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