➳ Darling, I'm Trying Not To Cry 🌟

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| Genre |World akin to the Witcher/Skyrim

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| Genre |
World akin to the Witcher/Skyrim.
Fantasy, Adventure and Action

| Triggers |
Dante's story has mentions of death, complex trauma, bad coping mechanisms, torture and fighting. Mentions of prejudice and derealization.

| Name |
Dante Cyrus / Artem Reaper

| AliasNickname |
He doesn't go by any nicknames, as he doesn't have anyone who would call him any.
Instead of that, he has an alias, Artem Reaper. This is because no one knows his actual name, and he has a notorious reputation.

| Age |
Dante is in his 20s, being 24. Though he looks older just through his facial expressions and amount of scars.

| Sexuality |
Demiromantic, Bisexual.
Although he has a preference towards men, he cares very little about relationships. He truly believes he doesn't deserve anything good, and he also knows he doesn't have much time for it.

| Gender |
Male, he/him.
He's completely comfortable with his gender. He didn't feel the need to explore it, but supports those who do wholeheartedly.

| Species |
He is a subspecies of Werewolf/Hybrid.

For context: In this universe Hybrids find their animal form through a series of unique tests their magic puts them through when they are young. Although genetics do play a part, it isn't strange to have one family member have the animal form of a deer, and another a bird.

The forms don't look like the normal animals, but are usually bigger/stronger with certain patterns from magic withdrawal.

In Dante's case, his animal form is a white lion.

| Looks |
He has brown skin that does well to accompany his lighter curly blonde hair. When he is pissed off said unkept hair puffs up as if to mimic a lions mane. Dante isn't skinny by any means, having a broad body type with a multitude of scars from both training techniques and jobs.
The worst scars are around the base of his neck where a series of claw marks and twisted tissue mirrors the act of lightning. The other, larger scar travels up the front of his arm, warping down. (Technically two slashes made that scar, but it healed as if it was merely one). Most of his other less detrimental scars are on his back. Dante has light brown eyes that shine almost like gold when in contact with any sole light source. It seems he does have a couple tattoos, but they look more like brands..

His animal side is much bigger then a normal lion. (6'7~6'8 tall) Most of the scars are amplified this way, but he still has the same warm brown eyes. Unlike a normal lion however, he has pure white fur with a mane. He has stars inked into the base of his spine, as well as stars on each paw.

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