Sample Form

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| genre |
*this is just the style your character fits with the most. It's not something you need to stick by, rather it just gives me more of an idea.

| name |

| aliasnickname |

| age |
* above 18

| sexuality |

| gender |

| species |

| looks + clothes |
*like hairstyle, tattoos or scars.
In general their cosmetics.

| scent |
* this is something fun I like to add to make my characters more 3D.
(Ex.) from working at a tea shop, Character A often smells like all sorts of tea, the most notable being peppermint or chai.

| personality |

| occupation |
* what does your character do for a living? Or what led to where they are now?

| strengths + weaknesses |

| likes + dislikes |

| powers |

| family |

| other |

| smut |
*just general yes/no

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