11. Lexi's Methods

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Pairing: Lexi/Stefan (F/m) hand, brush

Friday, March 30, 2012

Mikaelson Mansion

Late Afternoon

Next Week

"I don't want to go, Elijah. There, I've said it. I'd rather just stay here and-," Kol began. Elijah had told Kol and Rebekah that they would be enrolling at Mystic Falls High School on Monday. Rebekah was excited, but Kol thought the whole idea was ridiculous.

Indy and Julian were playing a game quietly on the floor of the living room. Kol was sitting on the floor, crosslegged, with Julian in his lap.

Elijah interrupted, "And do what? Play with the children all day? Once the Sheriff amends their paperwork, Indy and Julian will also be going to school also. You can't just sit around this house all day watching that motion picture box!"

Kol and the kids snickered, Indy corrected, "It's called a t.v. Mommy used to call it a boob tube!"

Julian's laughter turned to sadness at mention of their late mother. Kol rubbed his arm as the boy asked, "Are we going back to the bad place?"

Elijah leaned down and picked him up from Kol.

"No, dear, you are going to stay here. Remember? The sheriff said there was a paperwork error and well, you don't have to go back there. Now, clean up your game. It's almost time for dinner," Elijah coaxed, setting the boy on his feet.

Indy and Kol started to clean up the game, but Julian hung back.

"Julian, please help clean up," Elijah reminded him gently.

"But I don't want to," Julian whined, causing his sister to glare at him.

"Julian, it's not fair if you don't help!" Indy corrected, stopping her own clean up efforts.

"That's right," Kol conceded.

"Kol, aren't you supposed to help Rebekah with supper tonight? I believe she is expecting you in the kitchen," Elijah prompted.

"She's a terrible cook," Kol grumbled, reaching over to tickle Indy as she laughed.

"Auntie Bex didn't know what peanut butter was!" Julian announced, still not picking up the game pieces.

In the last week, Elijah had tried to do a rotation for chores. Klaus and his new son, Damon, had been going out quite a bit on their own. This left Enzo and Kol to help Elijah hunt down the Augustines. So far, they hadn't found any, but Elijah also didn't want to be away from the children. Sage and Finn were willing to help a few nights a week, but Elijah didn't want to take advantage of them. The Augustines would have to wait a little longer for their due.

Elijah sighed, "Come on, I'll help you. Your choices are to help clean or go into time out. What shall it be?"
Julian's face crumpled, "Clean, I guess. I don't wanna go in time out."

"Fine, then help," Elijah said. He had been reading parenting books in the evening when he had time. After using time out on Kol the previous week, he decided to continue to look into modern methods of child rearing. Elijah thought that Klaus ought to read them before he continued to spoil Damon rotten. The two were being closer and excluding the rest of the family.

Julian put the lid on the box with a flourish.

"See Uncle 'Lijah, I done it," Julian said with pride. He had heard Damon calling Elijah that and picked it up.

"You certainly did. Well-done," Elijah responded, patting the child on the head.

Kol looked at Elijah as if he spouted a second head.

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