53. Feeling Odd

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Pairing: Katherine/Nadia-Annabelle (F/Ff) hand, spoon

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mikaelson Mansion


"It is done," Lucy heaved, as the black kyanite stones lay charged and ready. She distributed the rings to the assembled werewolves: Ava, Mason, and Tyler. "You now command your curse, as you will. Use them wisely and do not remove them. Ever."

Mason slipped on Tyler's ring and put on his own. The bands were silver, which would aid their werewolf healing.

Klaus knelt down and put Ava's small ring on with a flourish.

"Allow me, my lady," Klaus said, taking her small hand and slipping on the ring. "There, you are now effectively a hybrid. Some day we shall hunt in the woods together, when you are ready."

"Hunt? Like animals?" Ava giggled, splaying out her hand to admire the inky colored stone.

"We can hunt whatever you wish. Our enemies perhaps?" Klaus chuckled.

"Niklaus, such a thing to say to the child," Elijah chastised, appearing behind his brother.

"Oh, you are back. Have a nice chat with your lady-friend?" Klaus retorted.

"Not really," Elijah admitted. "I have no idea how they got through our defenses. Sage, Enzo, are you alright?"

Finn threw his arms around Sage. "My darling, I am so sorry. I do not see how they got you."

Sage watched as Bonnie chatted with Ava and led her away, back to the house.

"It was their witches. They snatched me and made it so I could not move, but I felt no fear. Just a feeling of euphoria, it was disconcerting. Their magic is strong...they came out of no where," Sage said, feeling the chill in the air. As Finn released her, she hugged her arms around herself.

"It was as Sage said," Ric agreed. "They took Elena and me from our driveway as we were packing the car. I-I have to call Jenna. They took some blood from Elena."

Ric shuffled off to the side, now shaking and called his fiancé.
Damon was quietly talking to Elena.

Klaus and Elijah exchanged a look. Elijah frowned and patted Sage on the arm.

"I am sorry that we let this happen," Elijah apologized. "Elena, may we have a word?"

Damon embraced her and pulled away, as Elena nodded and approached the Originals.

"Are you well, my dear?" Elijah purred. "Ric said they drew your blood. Did they harm you?"
Elena swept back her dark hair, her brown eyes blazing.

"No, I felt nothing. We were under some sort of spell. The man who took my blood was actually very...polite. It was weird," Elena revealed. "Damon just told me about Caroline, but I still feel numb, like I'm in a dream. I need to go see her."

"In a moment, please. A man? I thought The Sisters would be comprised of all males," Klaus noted.

"No, this guy was very handsome, dark and charming," Elena recalled. "He was almost apologetic, like he didn't want to be doing what he was doing."

"Did you catch a name?" Elijah prodded, brushing a particle from his foray into the woods with Aya from his sleeve.

"No, the witches seemed like they could communicate without speaking. It was so odd. I can't shake the feeling like they were arguing with each other, but no one said anything aloud," Elena commented. "Can we go home now?"

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