75. Aurora

157 5 0

Pairing: Mason/Tyler (M/m) hand, ping pong paddle

Friday, April 13, 2012

Undisclosed Location/Time

"Where the bloody hell are we?" Rebekah hissed, rubbing her wrists. The witches and guards who had captured them had let the girls use the bathroom and then unchained them. Then, they pushed them into a room and slammed shut a metal door.

Elena yanked the red ribbon out of her hair. They had been taken right before cheering for a game. Elena was still in her sweats, but Rebekah had already been in her MFHS cheer uniform.

"I don't know. Some kind of a boat?" Elena mumbled.

"Yeah, well, I wish we could change. I hardly ever get cold, but my legs are freezing," Rebekah complained.

"Rebekah, what are they going to do to us?" Elena whispered.

"Nothing good," Rebekah said, testing the strength of the door. She hissed in pain. "Ah, vervain!"

"Shit," Elena cursed. "Here, take my sweatshirt. Try again."

Rebekah used the sweatshirt to try to pry the door open.

"Won't budge. It could be spelled. Those witches are freaky, right?" Rebekah said in a low voice. "Those hoods. Ugh."

"Yeah," Elena agreed, rubbing her eyes. "Those injections sucked. My head is pounding."

Rebekah nodded. She noticed a cooler of water on the side.

"Here. We should drink while we have the chance," Rebekah said, taking a bottle for herself and grabbing one for Elena.

"What if it's drugged?" Elena asked, smelling the water.

"It's sealed. If they wanted to drug us, they would probably just give us more of the needle," Rebekah said, taking a gulp. They had been fed earlier, but Rebekah wanted blood.

Elena emptied the bottle and extended her wrist.

"Here, feed from me. You need your strength if we are to get out of here," Elena offered.

Rebekah was touched. "Ah, thank you, but I couldn't. The truth is that I can go a fair amount of time without blood at this point. And drinking someone's blood is...pretty intimate."

"Damon's drank my blood before," Elena admitted with a blush.

"Really? Wow," Rebekah said, now searching the rest of the room for a weakness.

"Yeah, obviously, Stefan never did due to the ripper thing," Elena continued. "Hey, you had a thing with Stefan, too, huh?"

Rebekah paused and looked back. "Yes, I would say it's a long time ago but for me it's only been a few months since we were in Chicago. That was a bad time for us, but he helped me see that life goes on. Of course, he doesn't remember."
"That must suck," Elena said, getting up. "But I guess we have bigger problems now. Boost me up. I think that is a blacked out window."

Rebekah lifted Elena to the small square and she struggled to try to open it.

"Nailed shut, but definitely some kind of window," Elena huffed. As she gripped onto the frame with all her might, yanking it. The metal door creaked open slowly with a terrible sound.

If Rebekah had slower reflexes, she would have dropped Elena. Instead, she put her back on the ground. By the time she turned, a slender red hair was in the room and the door shut again.

"Don't bother, ladies. You can't get out of this room unless I permit it," the woman purred in a high sing-song voice.

"Aurora de Martel!" Rebekah jeered. "I should have known that you would be involved in this travesty! I curse the day I saved your sorry life."

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