71. Gone

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Pairing: Finn/Aaron (M/m) ping pong paddle

*Another double today. We WILL get to New Orleans soon! Thanks for your patience and kind words.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mikaelson Mansion


After School

Sage tapped her foot on the kitchen tile. It was all she could do to not scream at the boy.

"Why would you cheat, Aaron? We were going to have a nice dinner out to celebrate your dad getting his driver's license," Sage said in a disappointed voice.

Aaron thought about yelling back that Finn wasn't really his dad and that she wasn't his mom, but that wasn't true now. Wes hadn't even so much as called or emailed him. And he barely remembered his birth parents aside from recalling them on that terrible night they had died.

"Sorry, it was stupid," Aaron finally said, walking Sage's foot go up and down.

"Hey, look at us when we are talking to you," Finn said carefully. He reached down and lifted Aaron's chin. "I do not claim to fully understand the significance of your misbehavior. But Sage tells me that it can be very serious, leading to you getting expelled. Why would you risk that?"

"It was a pop quiz!" Aaron defended. "And I wasn't doing the reading so I didn't know the answers. Mrs. S. didn't even turn me into the office."

"Stop right there. You are very lucky your teacher did that and called me instead. I informed her that you will be grounded and studying tomorrow night instead of going to that dance," Sage informed him.

"That's fine. I didn't want to go to some stupid dance anyway!" Aaron shot back, annoyed at the punishment.

"Fine. We can add a spanking, too," Finn retorted. "Go to your room. I'll be in momentarily."

"I'm too old!" Aaron wailed, his voice rising. The blond teen's eyes narrowed. Having parents sucked.

"Aaron, don't make it worse. We're really not angry, just shocked. I asked you if you were keeping up with your studies. And you best hand over that mobile phone for a while."
"How long?" Aaron asked in horror. "I don't even remember Nessie's home phone number. I need to call her."
"Honey, her father probably isn't going to be any happier with her. Your teacher phoned him also. Now, go to your room and think about what you did," Sage said, calming herself.

"Congrats on the license, Dad," Aaron said bitterly. "I'm sorry I'm such a disappoint. Why don't you guys just drop me off at Whitmore. I'm sure one of the trustees would let me live there."
Sage gasped, but Finn reached out to him first.

"Hey, pal, none of that. You know we are very proud of you," Finn said roughly, putting his arms around the teen. "Now, you are going to be punished and then we move on. We'll go out and celebrate next week. Alright?"

Aaron nodded, too overcome with emotion to speak without crying.

To Sage, Finn said in Old Norse, "I am going to find the paddle. Niklaus took it and did not put it back. I ought to tan him next."

Sage smiled and nodded and then hugged Aaron herself. This time, he did break down.

"Oh boy, let it out," Sage soothed. She pulled back. "Honey, you look exhausted. Haven't you been sleeping well?"

"I'm o-okay," Aaron stammered, wiping away the tears with the back of his hand.

"You sure?" Sage pressed.

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