57. Lake House Games

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Pairing: Ric/Damon-Enzo (M/MM) paddle, hand

Darkness prompt for Chanelle/Damon-Enzo prompt for multiple readers.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mikaelson Mansion



"Wow, that was fast. You just ordered the wood," Aaron commented, surveying the stacks of lumber outside. It was afternoon and he stood in the massive backyard with Finn hearing about the upcoming plans for the stables.

"Aye, I might have paid a bit extra for the haste, but you did not hear that from me," Finn grinned, putting an arm around Aaron. "Have you ever been around horses?"
Aaron looked sad for a moment, his blue eyes filling with tears. "Ah, yeah, when I was little. My mom had grown up with that stuff. You know, competitive riding. That's one of the few memories I have, sitting on one of our ponies. I think his name was Harry."

"That is a nice memory," Finn replied.

"Well, actually, the horses scared the heck of me. They were so big and smelled bad. I think I cried and my nanny had to come get me," Aaron answered. "I had a lot of nannies, my parents were busy people. Even rich people can't buy more time."

"That is something we should probably discuss, your inheritance," Finn said. "Dr. Wes gave me the paperwork for your finances. It seems like it is all in a trust, but we can draw on it for your education and living expenses. Wes issued you a weekly allowance?"

Aaron shrugged, "Yeah, a hundred a week, give or take."

"That seems like a lot for a young man of your age," Finn observed.

"But it's my money," Aaron snapped, pulling away from Finn quickly to glare at him.

"How about $25 to start and we'll add extra if you complete all of your chores. I am happy to pay you for helping with the stables, if you like," Finn said, ignoring the daggers being shot at him with Aaron's blazing eyes. The boy had been placid just a moment ago. Klaus had chatted with Finn earlier about teenagers and their moods. Klaus said to expect mood swings and a lot of irritation from the boy, that it was normal.

"Okay, whatever," Aaron said, realizing that he had several hundred dollars stashed in his wallet already. "Can I go call Nessie now? She was supposed to come over, but I'm not sure she's allowed to. You know, to help paint?"

"Sure," Finn said, checking the markings on the plastic covered wood. "But maybe see if Caroline and Stefan are willing to help you."

"The little kids want to help also, but Elijah said they were too young," Aaron reported.

Finn nodded, "Aye, they might be, but it would be a nice gesture for you to let them do some simple tasks. It tis up to you, though, as it is your room. Unless, of course, you would rather take Wes' room now."

Aaron considered it. "No, but thanks. I kinda like the smaller room and it's right by the kitchen."
"And the back door," Finn joked. "But I do not have to worry about you leaving again. Correct?"
Aaron subconsciously rubbed the seat of his jeans. Even Sage warned him that she'd add to his spanking if he ever snuck out again. She had seemed like she really meant it, too. No more sneaking out. Plus, Aaron had gotten Nessie in trouble with her dad.

"No, sir," Aaron mumbled. "I'm not pulling that one again. No way."

"Go on, then, Son. Call your friend," Finn encouraged. "I hope she fared well last night."

Singerman Residence

Early Afternoon

"Nessie, it's way past noon. You need to get up now," George said after opening his teenage daughter's room. It was dark and he could see Nessie's pink and black curly hair popping out of the covers.

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