Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello there! Sorry I'm a bit late, I didn't realize I had gotten over my goal! Please forgive me if chapters are short and updates are slow, I'm trying very hard! So enjoy and thank you for voting!

Chapter 1

Michael never really looked at his number. He never cared. He liked living in the moment rather than waiting for the future, and that's why he dated his best friend, Lindsay. They had fun and lived together anyways, so why not add some hand holding and kissing in to it? At least for now. Their numbers were simmilar. Just a week and two days apart. They knew that they would break off their romantic relationship when they met their soulmates. It wouldn't be a big deal. Lot's of people dated before finding their soulmate. Hell, Geoff had been married before he met Griffon.

Michael never actively imagined his soulmate, but everybody had some idea of what they wanted. He wanted a really hot chick with great curves and nice, long hair. Somebody cheerful and generally nice but who could also stand her ground and banter with him. When Geoff started to talk about the new employee Rooster Teeth would be getting, he just knew it would be her. He and Lindsay broke it off happily because Michael couldn't stop thinking about Barbera.

Achievement Hunter was hiring somebody as well. It was some friend of Geoff's who he had met way back when Red vs. Blue was in season 3 or 4. Michael learned that his name was Gavin and talked exitedly with Lindsay. They were sure that Barbera was Michael's solmate and Gavin was Lindsay's. It just made sence.

Lindsay's number was down to one hour and Michael's was at one week and two days. The red haired woman was freaking out slightly and Michael tried to calm her.

"Breathe, Linds." He said. "Just breathe. He has to like you; you're his soulmate." He said and smiled . She smiled back weakly.

"But what if he doesn't want me? What if he only wants to be friends? Like... Like Jack and Cati? I mean, they're happy but... I wanna fall in love." She said and Michael held her tightly.

"The moment he sees you, he won't be able to resist falling in love with you. I promise, it will be okay. And if you end up just being friends, that's what's best for both of you and you'll feel it too. Okay?"

"Okay." She said and took a deep breath, calming herself.

Forty five minutes later, Burnie arrived at the warehouse with Rooster Teeth's newest employee... Barbera Dunkleman.

Michael blinked a few times as he was introduced to her. Wait... if she was here now then...

Lindsay walked in, smoothing her dress and froze when she saw the pretty, blonde girl. The two made eye contact and the room fell silent. Lindsay was frozen in place and Barbera walked towards her.

"Hi, I'm Barb." She said brightly and held out her hand. The black numbers on her arm changed as Lindsay watched. Seven... six... five... She looked up and smiled sweetly.

"I'm Lindsay." She said and, as their hands met, both of their numbers ticked down to zero. Both females had huge grins plastered on their faces. Michael was still in shock and Burnie chuckled.

"Well, Lindsay, I don't think you'll mind showing Barbera around?" He asked and Lindsay nodded.

"Yeah, I'll give you the grand tour." She said and the two girls walked out of the room, walking very close to each other.

Michael blinked a few times when Geoff snapped his fingers in front of his face.

"Earth to Michael! What's wrong buddy?" He asked and Michael stared at him.

"When's the other new guy coming in again?" He asked and Geoff frowned.

"Like, nine days. Why?" He asked and Michael held out his arm to show Geoff. The tattooed man looked and squinted.

"I think Gavin is supposed to be my soulmate..."

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