Chapter 2

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A/N: I apologize for the wait! Go check out my other Achievement Hunter fanfiction on AO3 under the username "Kiki_The_Marauder"

Chapter 2

For the next week, Michael was basically freaking out. His soulmate was a guy. A male. He wasn't gay! He had never been attracted to guys before. And he wasn't going to start now.

"It'll be platonic." He insisted to Geoff just hours before he would meet his soulmate. "I doubt he's looking for a relationship with a guy, either." He tried to convince himself that, no matter what, he would not fall in love with this guy.

"You never know, Michael." Geoff shrugged as he got ready to go pick Gavin up from the airport. "I mean, I don't think Lindsay or Barb ever wanted a relationship with another girl and those two can't spot making gooey eyes at each other." He chuckled. "The Fates work in strange ways. Just remember that, no matter what happens, you'll end up being as happy as you could possibly be." He said and patted his shoulder before heading outside to get in his car and head to the airport.

Michael sat at his desk and groaned, putting his head on the edge of the table. Ray was sitting next to Michael and frowned.

"Need to talk?" He said softly and Michael turned his head, his cheek now squished against the desk.

"Have you met your soulmate yet?" Michael asked and Ray paused just a moment too long.

"No." He said.

"What do you imagine them to be like?"

"I... I imagine somebody perfect for me." He said and Michael closed his eyes.

"You have the right mindset. I had the idea of a perfect woman... but now the Fates expect me to be gay..." He banged his head on the desk a few times. "I don't want to live a life without love. It is awful of me to hope Lindsay and Barbera end up being platonic so I can get back together with Linds?" He asked and Ray chuckled.

"Not awful, no, but that'll never happen. I wouldn't be surprised if those two have Names already." He said.

That was another thing about soulmates. Once you had met your other half and you truly loved them - romantically or otherwise - the string of zeros on your arm would change into your soulmate's name. The style and size of the "tattoo", so to speak, depended on your partner's personality. Geoff thought that the word "Griffon" printed on his arm in thick yet feminine letters was the most amazing thing in the world.

"Barb's got such a huge personality, Lindsay's whole arm in going to be full." Jack chimed in, running his fingers over the small, sweet letters on his forearm, surrounded by intricate vines and flowers that no tattoo artist would ever be able to create. Jack's soulmate was a platonic one. Cati was from Australia and they were just like ultimate best friends.

"Okay, this really isn't helping me relax." Michael mumbled and Ryan joined the conversation. The current newest member of Achievement Hunter hadn't really taken a lot of time to get to know his co-workers yet, but he could tell how upset Michael was.

"I've got a friend who was in the same situation as you. He was dead set on his soulmate being some hot chick, but when he ran in to this dorky guy at the grocery store, he fell in love almost instantly." He said and Ray coughed. "He thought for half a moment that he would only ever have a platonic relationship, but he could feel it in his soul that he would fall for the guy." Ryan smiled and Michael sighed.

"So.. I'll just know? I'll just feel it in my heart weather or not I'm gonna be gay?"

"You could put it that way, sure." He said and Michael glanced at his arm. Down to one hour now.

"I'm gonna be sick." He mumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Lovesick, am I right?" Ray,teased, holding up his hand for a high five but receiving none. "No? Nothing?" He laughed nervously and turned back to his computer. "Tough crowd."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the second chapter!

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