Chapter 6

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AN: Why did this take me so fucking long? I have no clue.

Here it is, though. It's a piece of shit.


Chapter 6

Michael showed up early to work the next day. The only other people in the building were Ryan, Burnie, Gus and Caleb, but others began to arrive soon. Michael grinned when Geoff and Gavin walked in to the office. He greeted Gavin cheerfully and the younger man smiled.

"Hi boi!" He chirped and Geoff rolled his eyes.

"What am I, chopped liver?" He said teasingly.

"Hey, boss." Michael chuckled and everybody settles in to get started with their day. Ray, Michael and Gavin sat on one side of the room with Geoff and Jack on the other side and Ryan lounged on the couch with his laptop.

"Alright, we're starting to film content today. We'll start off with a simple Halo CTF Let's Play. One side of the room versus the other." Geoff explained and there was general agreement around the room. They set up their equipment and started recording.

"Eyyoo! This is Achievement Hunter and we're gonna play some Halo!" Geoff said in to his microphone as they sat in the menu. "It's gonna be me, Jack and Ryan against Michael, Gavin and Ray."

"Oh yeah, Lads V Gents!" Gavin said in a low, gravely voice that sent a pleasent shiver down Michael's spine.

"Lads and Gents?" Ryan said, chuckling.

"Yeah! Us three are team Lads 'cause we're cute little Lads and you're the Gents because you're old and mature like a top wine." He explained and the whole room laughed.

"That's so dumb, but I like it. Team Lads hype!" Ray whooped and they got started with the game.

The dynamic of the room was great and all six men had a lot of laughs. The time seemed to fly by and it was suddenly time to head home.

"Do you want to come over and play video games or some shit?" Michael asked Gavin as they collected their stuff.

"We just played video games all day," He noted, "but sure, sounds fun."

They said goodbye and Geoff yelled at them to use protection as they left. Michael just rolled his eyes but Gavin blushed.

"Hey, uh, I acually live with Lindsay and I'm sure she'll go have Barbera over, so we may not even be able to use the living room with the good XBox." He said and Gavin nodded.

"That's alright. We don't need video games to have a good time." He said and Michael smirked.

"That sounded really suggestive." He pointed out and Gavin flushed.

Michael,drove to his an apartment complex and they went up to his and Lindsay's place. Lindsay wasn't home yet so they jumped on the sofa and started a game of Call of Duty. Michael spent most of the round screaming at Gavin for being an idiot and somehow killing himself five seconds in to the match.

"HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO DO THAT? IT'S NOT LIKE YOU CAN CAN TURN THE GUN ON YOURSELF, DUMBASS!" He screamed at Gavin while the Brit just giggled and apologized. His performance didn't improve much over the next hour or so and they eventually decided to give up on the game. Well, Lindsay,made them stop. She was getting ready for a date with Barb and she had poked herself in the eye with her mascara brush when Michael's screams startled her..

So Michael and Gavin made some drinks and popcorn and turned on a movie. They started out sprawled out over the whole sofa, only their feet overlapping. About halfway through the movie, however, they,we're sharing a recliner, a blanket over their entangled legs and Michael's arm over Gavin's shoulders. Gavin sighed and lay his head on Michael's chest.

"Everything okay?" Michael asked, putting his drink down on the table beside him.

"Yeah." Gavin said, a smile on his lips. Michael really liked his smile. "I just... I really like being around you. You make me really happy and... Yeah, I sound silly. Sorry."

"No, Gav, it's okay. You make me happy, too." He said and smiled back at him. They were very close; their faces just a foot apart. Michael's eyes flickered down to Gavin's lips for a moment and his hear skipped skipped a bear. He could imagine kissing those lips. His tongue poked out over his own mouth and he watched Gavin'a eyes flutter closed. Michael leaned forward doing the same.

"Okay, I'll be heading out now!" Lindsay said, bursting in to the room and pulling her purse up on her sholder. "I'll probably be out late, so don't wait up for me. Remember to lock the windows before you go to bed okay?" She babbled on. Michael pulled back from Gavin quickly, running a hand through his hair Gavin scooted away from Michael and stared intently at the movie.

"Yeah sure thing." Michal mumbled, annoyed that Lindsay had interrupted them.

"I um... I should probably head back to Geoff's." Gavin said shyly and Michael got up. Lindsay left for her date and Gavin went to get his sneakers on.

"I'm sorry about her." Michael said softly, getting his own shoes on. He felt like he was about to cry. So close but of course the moment was ruined and now, he wouldn't be able to build up the courage to just kiss him.

"It's okay." Gavin said and headed out to Michael's car.

The drive was quiet slightly awkward. Neither of them said anything until they pulled up to the curb.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Gavin said quietly and collected his bag. Michael just sort of hummed and nodded. Gavin hesitated and leaned over to kiss Michael's cheek like he had the night before and rushed inside. Michael swore loudly and and b aged his forehead in to the steering wheel. He was already in so deep, but he was too much of a coward to admit it.

AN: There. Chapter 6.

Don't expect 7 any time soon because school starts in a couple weeks and I suck.

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