Chapter 3

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A/N: They're finally meeting!!!

Chapter 3

Michael finally resorted to pacing back and forth in the tiny office, wringing his hands and looking at his arm every five seconds. The three other guys were watching him, Michael's anxiety seeming to fill the room with nervous tension.

"Stop pacing, Michael!" Ryan said, snatching his wrist. "Just sit down and relax, please." He said and Michael sat in his chair, trying to breathe deeply and to slow his rapid heartrate. Ten minutes left.

He listened to the idle conversation between Ryan and Jack as well as Ray's muttering to himself as he played CoD.

Michael just sort of zoned out for a few minutes and back back in to focus when Ryan poked him.

"They're here." He stated gently and Michael nodded, running his fingers through his hair. He let his eyes move to the black, ever-changing numbers on his arm. Twenty seven seconds.

The door to the office opened and Geoff stepped in, a young guy following behind him. His hair was a bit wild and he had an abnormally large nose, but Michael had to admit that he was good looking. Ray pulled off his headphones as Geoff moved around the room, introducing Gavin to everybody.

"And this fucker here is Michael." Geoff said fondly. "Michael, meet Gavin." The mustachioed man winked at Michael. He cleared his throat and stood.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Michael said and held out his hand. Ti.e seemed to move in slow motion as Gavin,raised his own arm. 3...2...1... Their hands met the moment both of their numbers reached zero. Gavin looked at Michael and smiled like a kid o Christmas.

"Hi, Micool." He said, his accent causing him to butcher the name, but Michael didn't really mind. He thought it was endearing. "So uh... soulmates..." Gavin said with a chuckle and Michael nodded, his own genuine sme on his face.

"Yeah, I guess we are." He said and looked at the taller man in front of him. Their hands were still linked and Geoff cleared his throat.

"Okay, you can flirt later. Gavin, this is your desk. Sorry it's crap, first come first serve policy in this office." He shrugged and Gavin nodded, inspecting the holes in his desk.

"It's alright." He sad and glanced over at Michael with a sweet smile. Michael smiled back and looked down at his own desk again. Ten minutes ago. He would have claimed to not have a homosexual bone in his body. Now, he wasn't so sure. (A/N: You know what "bone" I'm talking about. ;3)

Once Gavin had gotten all set up on his XBox and computer and shit, Michael offered to show him around the building.

He shoved his hands deep in his pockets as they walked and Gavin shuffled beside him shyly.

"So..." He began and chuckled. "I uh... didn't really expect my soulmate to be a guy." He said and Michael just nodded as they moved around slowly.

"Yeah, me neither. I mean, not until like, a week ago when I put two and two together and realized you were gonna show up today." He admitted and Gavin hummed in understanding.

"Geoff didn't say anything about it. He knew my day,was today, but he refused to tell me if anybody around here matched me." Gavin explained and Michel listened happily. His accent was heavy, but the New Jersey native liked it. Not like he didn't have his own slight accent sometimes.

They talked for a while longer as Michael showed him around and introduced him to eveyone. As the day went on, Michael realized more and more that he was going to fall in love with this guy. From his goofy laugh to made up words to the complex color of his eyes : somehow green, blue and hazel. Yeah, he was gonna fall in love.

"Do you maybe want to get bevs tonight?" Gavin asked as they sat in the AH office, dicking around on the internet.

"Bevs?" Michael chuckled.

"Yeah, bevs. Drinks. Go to a bar and get drunk and have fun." He said, a light flush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I got that now. I have to get used to your Gavin-isms." He said, reassuring Gavin that his British slang and personal vocabulary were nothing to be ashamed of. "But sure, sounds fun."

"Top. Can't get too mullered, though. We actually have to do work tomorrow."

"Mullered?" Michael chuckled again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, it's not your fault. I'm just clueless and dumb."

"Erm... we can't get completely wasted." Gavin clarified and Michael just hummed in agreement.

The six men sat around in the tiny office and talked for the rest of the day, just getting to know each other. Michael laughed a lot and discovered that Gavin's dumb laugh could probably cure cancer.

The work day ended and Michael headed home to get ready for tonight. Gavin was staying with Geoff for the time being, so Michael said he would just pick him up later.

He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. They were just getting to know each other. Besides, they were soulmates; forever bound to each other in a way that was absolutely indescribable. No matter what, it would turn out perfectly.

A/N: Please keep in mind that this is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE so if facts, dates, and details do not match up with real life, IT'S ON PURPOSE.

Thank you<3

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