summertime sadness (B.D.H)

134 5 3

your upset that your girlfriend billie is leaving to shoot a new movie, she's going to be gone for a month so that leaves you alone all summer. What are you going to do without her?

y/n= your name
Italics= your thoughts
tw= slight smut

i slowly open my eyes and roll over expecting to see my girlfriend but to my surprise she's not there. I stretch my legs out as far as they can go and let out a little yawn.

i dangle my legs over the bed for a bit before actually deciding to get up, i make my way into the kitchen and see billie standing at the table having a cigarette. "Morning baby" she says while exhaling the nicotine.

"morning bil" i mutter walking over to the cabinet to grab a glass, holding the glass in one hand i reach over to the open fridge and take out the orange juice. Once i have my drink i walk towards the living room, my eyes widen as i see 3 packed suitcases sitting on the couch.

what the hell is this?

"Billie" i say while setting my glass down on the coffee table in front of me. "Yes" billie responds walking behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist. I quickly pull away from her embrace and turn to face her.

"What is this, where are you going?" i ask sternly, billie sits down and puts her cigarette out in the glass ashtray in front of her. "I'm leaving y/n, i'm going to shoot a movie. I'm sorry i never told you earlier it's just i've been so stressed trying to pack and get everything organised."

i sit beside her and rest my head on her shoulder, "it's fine bil, you know i forgive you" i say while slowly moving my hand into her shirt and undoing her bra. "Y/n what are you doing" billie mutters under her breath, "you know exactly what i'm doing".

i climb onto billie's lap and we start making out, i feel one of billie's hands creep down my thigh and into my underwear. "B-billie" i moan out wanting her fingers inside me so badly. We suddenly jump when billie's phone rings, causing us to stop.

Billie gets up to answer the phone while i slump further into the couch, taking occasional sips of my drink. Once billie's off the phone i pat the spot beside me on the couch, hoping we could continue what we started. Billie shakes her head "Sorry baby but that was the director, i have to leave now and trust me you wouldn't want to make him angry, he's a weird fucker" I chuckle at the comment.

i sit back on the couch and watch billie take the suitcases out one by one and put them in the car. Once she comes back in she comes over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a warm embrace.

"i'm gonna miss you so much billie" i whisper trying to hold back my tears as best as possible. But billie's not stupid and we've been dating for 6 years, she knows what i sound like when i'm about to cry. "It's going to be alright babydoll" billie says, squeezing me closer to her.

i love moments like this when i'm engulfed in my lovers arms, knowing that i'm safe and surrounded by nothing but love and support. The hug only lasts for 5 or so minutes until billie slowly peels her arms away from me and stands up. I stand up with her and she holds my face in her hands, slowly stroking my cheeks with her acrylics.

she pulls me in closer until our lips are connected, we share a sweet and passionate kiss right before the tears start spilling out my eyes. Billie who is still holding my face, gently wipes a tear on my cheek and rests her forehead on mine. "Shh baby your going to be fine, you can call me every night if you want and i can sing to you or read to you, just as if i was actually there".

i listen to billie's words carefully and slightly nod my head, "i would love that" i smile as i pull away from billie once again. "You better get going bil, i don't want you to get in trouble with your director" billie laughs as she walks towards the front door, "I'll see you soon my love" she says while blowing a kiss. The second the door shuts i just sit there looking around the house knowing how much i'm going to cry, but also how excited i'm going to be when she comes home.

i lay my head on one of the pillows behind me and take my shirt off, i hold it just under my chin so i can smell billie. Her scent always comforts me and makes me sleepy, so the next thing you know i'm falling asleep.

what am i going to do without her..

word count
i will try to make the other's longer 😋

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