bad work days (W.V)

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backstory- you are having a stressful day at work, which leads to you having a panic attack. But not to worry because Wilhemina is right there to help you.

y/n= your name
tw's= panic attack, mention of not eating and throwing up

it's almost the end of the day, i'm cleaning the files off of my desk, placing them in my desk drawer.

One of the perks of dating Wilhemina Venable is that you work in the same place she does, so at the end of a long day I can go straight to my girlfriend's office to see her.

Today is different though, it was much more stressful than usual, so many phone calls and people. I've recently been taking a new medication for my anxiety and panic attacks, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Just as i'm about to go and see Wilhemina, I feel my chest go tight, my hands sweaty and my vision goes blurry like i'm trying to see through very bad fog.

I hear what sounds like the door opening but i'm too far gone in my state of panic.

I feel as if my chest is about to explode, when all of a sudden a familiar scent fills my nostrils and a comforting voice fills my ears.

"Shhhh, baby girl" Wilhemina coos as she rocks me back and forth, trying to get me to come back to reality.

I feel just a little bit calmer, just by her presence.

"It's okay little one, i'm right here. I'm right here" She whispers in my ear as she feels me calming down.

"M-mina" I say, starting to calm down, she tightens her grip on me, kissing the top of my head.

"Hey darling" she looks down at me, tucking the stray hair behind my ear.

"I-i don't know what triggered this" i say, my breathing still shaky.

"It's okay little one, you don't need to know what triggered it, all that matters is that your okay now" wilhemina kisses my forehead.

"Can you stand up?" she asks, standing up holding her hands out for me.

I nod, using her hands to help me stand up and keep my balance. Venable notices that i'm very dizzy and can't stand up properly.

"Sweetheart?" she asks softly as she sits me down on my desk chair.

"When was the last time you ate?" she asks, sitting next to me. I shake my head no and she gives me a disappointed look.

"Why not honey?, here let me get you something" Wilhemina stands up and leaves the room for a minute, then comes back with a cereal bar and some fruit.

"Here we are" she says as she hands me them.

"Thank you" i say quietly, almost a whisper but still loud enough for her to hear.

After I finish eating, Wilhemina asks me to stand up so I do. She opens her arms, "Come her" she says.

She embraces me, I nuzzle my head into her neck slightly, giving it a kiss.

"I love you Wilhemina" i whisper

"I love you too, baby girl"

"No more bad work days when i'm here"

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