i'm not leaving (S.M)

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your staying at the hotel cortez for a few nights while your away on a trip. You meet a girl but then come to realise this is going to be the weirdest week of your life

y/n= your name
italics= your thoughts
tw= swearing, smoking, smut but not a lot, mentions of rape

i gaze out of the window lost in my own thoughts as my eyes wander at all the tall buildings and colourful signs. My taxi slows down and comes to a stop when i'm greeted by an old sign that reads "Hotel Cortez".

i slowly open the door and give the taxi driver a 10 dollar bill before walking into the Hotel. The second i step inside i can already feel that this place has a sketchy atmosphere. I walk up to the desk to find an older woman sitting reading a book.

"hello, can i please have a room?" i ask nervously. The woman looks up at me before shouting "Sally!! can you help this young lady please".


i just want my room for fuck sake

i'm snapped out of my thoughts by a woman standing in front of me, she's wearing ripped fishnets, a black lace top and her makeup looks smudged. Has she been crying?

"what's a pretty girl like you doing in a shithole like this?" Sally asks as she takes a long drag of her cigarette. "Um i'm in LA for a trip and this was the cheapest hotel i could find" i reply growing more and more anxious.

"anyway, follow me i'll take you to your room princess" Sally says as she walks towards the elevator just round the corner. I'm reluctant to follow her, but i do.

did she call me princess

does she like me?!

she is kinda hot

"what you thinking about over there darlin" Sally mutters walking closer to me, i move away from her until she's backed me into the corner of the elevator. "N-nothing" i murmur just loud enough so sally can hear. "Don't try to lie to me princess or you'll get punished". "P-punished?" i ask, sally now inches away from my face.

"you know what i mean" Sally says as she throws her cigarette on the ground stepping on it to make sure it's out. Sally's about to kiss me but the elevator dings. We both get out and sally takes me to room '64'.

"after you m'lady" sally says jokingly as i step inside the room. Sally brings my bags in and sets them beside the bed. "Thank you sally" i say moving closer to her, i cup her face in my hands and kiss her. Sally sits on my lap and pushes me back onto the bed so she's on top of me. 

i feel sally's hands slip into my underwear and slowly start to stroke my clit. "Stop!" i shout quickly sitting up. "Sorry did i hurt you?!" sally asks while looking at me with a worried expression.

"n-no i'm fine it's just" i reply staring to tear up. Sally moves her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into her embrace. "Shh you can tell me anything princess, i'm not going anywhere" Sally reassures me letting me know i'm safe.

i let out a few more little sobs before breaking out of sally's embrace so that i'm looking at her. "you didn't hurt me in any way, it's just that i got raped 3 years ago by one of my dad's friends, i didn't know him that well but i always thought he was creepy. One day he just came into my room" i try to continue but i start uncontrollably sobbing. This is the first time i've ever told anyone about this.

"Shhh darlin, i'm here" Sally says once again wrapping her arms around me. I lay in her arms listening to her words, trying to ground myself. "You are so incredibly brave princess, thank you for telling me, it's okay now your safe".

"thank you sally, t-thank you for being the only one that has listened to me about t-this" i say feeling myself starting to get tired.

Sally lights another cigarette before laying back against the headboard of the bed. She pulls the blanket from the bottom of the bed and places it on top of me. I feel my eyes close, i fall asleep knowing that i'm safe in sally's arms, my head resting on sally's chest. "I'll be right here when you wake up darlin" sally whispers before leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

how did this happen?

word count-
779 xx

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