my sweet girl (C.G)

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you have been staying at miss robichaux's academy for 2 months now and have formed the biggest crush on your teacher. What will happen when she finds your diary and confronts you?

y/n= your name
l/n= last name
italics= your thoughts
tw= swearing, panic attack

it's a Monday evening, i've just finished my lessons for today and i'm now sitting in my room catching up on some homework. I reach into the drawer beside my bed to grab a pencil, when i find my diary that i've written about my teacher.

i know what your all thinking but it's not like that, it's not creepy. Cordelia Goode, the most beautiful woman i have ever seen, the way her hair always falls perfectly just past her shoulders, her makeup always flawless and her kind hearted personality.

i hear a knock at my door, causing me to flinch "Y/n dear can i talk to you for a minute?" I quickly shove my diary back into the drawer "y-yes just a second Miss Goode" i stutter before shutting the drawer. The doorknob rattles 2 or 3 times before Cordelia opens it and walks in.

jesus she looks gorgeous

her lipstick is perfect, god i wonder what it would be like to kiss her

"Y/n!!" Cordelia raises her voice causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Y-yes miss" i reply looking up at her beautiful brown eyes, "i've not seen you all day, are you alright?" cordelia asks with genuine concern in her voice. "I'm fine miss goode, just tired from lessons and all this homework" i let out a giggle.

Cordelia walks over and sits on the edge of my bed, i see her looking around the room until her eyes land on my slightly open drawer.

shit! i must have not closed the drawer properly

omg what if she finds my diary..surely not

i'm so screwed if she finds it

"i'm just h-heading to the bathroom" i say trying my best to hide the worry in my voice. I run to the bathroom down the hall and shut the door, immediately i feel myself staring to panic until the point where i can't breathe.

i manage to get myself in a calmer state before leaving the bathroom and walking back to my room, when i get to the doorway i see cordelia standing with my diary in her hand. I go to say something but i feel my throat closing up and tears start streaming out my eyes.

"Oh honey come here" i hear cordelia say as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me down on the bed with her.   "I-i'm so sorry for writing all t-that" i manage to say through my soft sobs, "shh darling it's okay" cordelia whispers while slowly stroking my hair.

i finally start to calm down a bit and look up at delia, "i'm genuinely so sorry for writing that i-i don't know what i was thinking, Miss Goode please don't hate me i'm so so sorry" the panic starts to rise in my voice again. Cordelia pulls my head back to her chest as the smell of vanilla surrounds me.

"Y/n, it's okay sweetheart, i could never hate you" Cordelia cups my face in her palms, wiping a few stray tears away. "I want you to listen to me carefully now sweetheart" i nod slightly preparing to listen to her words.

"Y/n L/n. I have loved you since the first day you stepped foot into this academy, i never cared how much talent you had or how powerful you were i loved your personality, smile, eyes, body, i loved you for being you. I am not angry at you for this diary baby, infact i love it. You were and always will be my favourite, i love you more than absolutely anything my sweet girl"

i sit there in Cordelia's embrace absolutely jaw dropped by her words. I never in a million years thought my teacher would like me back, i feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now.

"i-i don't know what to say Cordelia, i-i'm absolutely speechless i love you so much" i say in awe as she grabs my face and kisses me. Her lips taste like strawberry and there so soft.

"I love you too sweet girl"

turns out the diary wasn't a bad idea after all.

word count:
751 xx

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