safe from the storm (M.D & C.G)

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misty absolutely HATES storms, but not to worry because Cordelia is there to hold her. This story is written in misty's pov

tw= storm

it was just about to turn midnight, i had just finished helping miss cordelia in the greenhouse when a storm hit. I've always hated storms for as long as i can remember, my mother told me that i used to hide under my bed for hours on end because i was terrified.

i try my best to ignore the loud noises outside and change into my pyjamas before slipping into bed. I pull the covers up to my chin and try to close my eyes, but every time there's a noise i jump. I keep trying to fall asleep for hours until i give up, the storm is only getting louder which is causing me to shake.

i quietly pull back my covers and walk out of my room and down the hall to Cordelia's. I knock the door because i don't just want to barge in. "Miss cordelia are you in?" i ask when suddenly the door opens to reveal cordelia in a black lace vest and some black shorts to match.

"Misty? are you alright sweetheart" Cordelia asks while grabbing my shoulder gently and pulling me into the room with her. "This is gonna sound stupid but i'm scared of the storm" i mutter putting my head down in embarrassment. "Oh darling that's nothing to be embarrassed about" Cordelia says as she uses her index finger to pull my chin up, my eyes study her beautiful face.

I go to say something to her, but that's when another crash of lightning causes me to shake. "Hey, hey your alright" Cordelia says pulling me into a hug. She smells like the perfect mix of vanilla and lavender. "T-thank you for the hug cordelia" i whisper feeling more sleepy and safe now in her arms.

"Don't have to thank me sweetheart" Cordelia replies as she picks me up and carries me to her bed. She places me down under the soft white covers and crawls in beside me. "Come here misty" Cordelia says with her arms open, i move my head onto her chest and wrap my arms tightly around her torso. She kisses my head as i lay in her arms listening to the sound of her heartbeat.

"Goodnight Misty, i love you".

i smile before replying "I love you too Miss Cordelia".

word count
415 xx

sarah paulson character oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat