"Why was your arm wrapped around my waist?"

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The bright, natural light fills the room, taking over the darkness. It's 10:00am, everyone but João and Valentina are downstairs.

The brightness forces Valentina to open her eyes, and when she does. She wishes she had kept them closed.

She opens her eyes just to find an arm wrapped around her waist with the covers over her body. Valentina gasps and jumps out of the bed, not knowing whose arm was just around her. She hesitantly pulls the cover down revealing and reveals the person.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me." She mutters, walking back and forth. "No way we slept together. We didn't have sex. Right? I don't remember it." Val bites her nails anxiously, not knowing what to do with herself.

Thankfully the brightness becomes too much for João as well. He opens his eyes and immediately sees Valentina. He looks next to him, sees the indent of where she slept beside him, then looks back at her. João already knows what she's thinking, he groans not wanting to deal with this. "we didn't have sex, Valentina." He tells her, his voice raspy and deep from quite literally just waking up.

His voice catches her off guard-but in a good way. She shakes her head, focusing back on the situation. "Then how did you and I end up in the same bed."

He rubs his eyes, and flips over to the side. "For some reason you decided to fall asleep on the floor, I didn't go to sleep because I was dealing with some stuff. So, Florence walked in to get water and she said, 'there's another guest room you two can sleep in.' I was like 'oh?' because before you had feel asleep you told me there was no other rooms."

"To be fair I forget about this room a lot."

"Mhm. Sure." He knows she just didn't want them sleeping in the same bed.

"Get to the point."

"So, I attempted to wake you up but you wouldn't budge. You looked really uncomfortable on the floor so I just picked you up and put you in this bed. I was gonna sleep on the floor but you woke up and said 'I hate you but you can sleep in the bed. Just don't touch me.'"

I giggle at myself because I'm actually so funny. "Sounds about right."

"Shut up." He mumbles, closing his eyes. "I got in the bed and moved to the edge but then you ended up next to me. That's all I remember."

Val climbs onto the bed and sits on her knees. "Why was your arm wrapped around my waist?"

João opens his eyes and flips over to face her. "What?"

"Yes. Your arm was wrapped around my waist." She scoots closer to him without even noticing, but João notices. He doesn't say anything, just smirks. "Why are you smirking?"

"Hm?" He shoves his face into his pillow, and Valentina actually finds herself staring at him in awe.

"Ew," she says to herself. She pokes him to get his attention again, and when he looks at her she continues. "Did I tell you to wrap your arm around my waist? Did I wrap your arm around my waist?"

"Val, why are you complaining. Anyone would love to have my arm around their waist." João realizes how easily her nickname came out of his mouth and questions himself for a second.

Excuse me? ~~João Felix Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant